It's a new world we're living in. The thick boys try their first zoom conference call with the best guests you could ask for: Kenice Mobley and Rohan Padye! Hope everyone out there is taking care of themselves. Also, be sure to check out Kenice and Rohan's KILLER podcast, Love About Town! As always, hit us up w/ any ... more
Late on getting this episode up, but fortunately it comes in the middle of a nation-wide quarantine. Leland Long and John Rosenberger sat down for a hot little chat!!
Jordan Jensen ( @jordanjensenlolstop ) and Michael Rowaland ( @michaelrowlando_o ) swing by to chat and run the questionnaire. Fun ep, check it and rec it! tw: @upyourbuttpod ig: @upyourbutpod
The ThicK BoYz sit down for a rap sesh between the just two of them. They talk about their parent's marriages, poop problems (and poop successes) and how a taxi caught on fire outside of Jordan's show. Twitter: @upyourbuttpod Insta: @upyourbuttpod
Catherine Zini (tw:@catzini/ig:@catziti) and Jon Newman (@itsjonnewman CROSS PLATFORM) stop by to run the questionnaire, but first we talk about a whole mess of other shit. Jordan talks about wanting to have sex with Sam, Jon describes his Journey into the Whole 30 diet, and Sam discovers that former guest and current ... more
WHEW!!! You didn't think we were coming back, DID YA? After an extended break, the thick boys are back in the saddle w/ all star guests @bonafideleland and @joestriks to really help get things moving again. We sure did miss you all.... HAMMMM!!!!
Friend of the pod, former guest, and WEIRD EATER @bonafideleland stops by bearing GIFTS? He brought us a sweet treat to try. The fellas also discuss Jordan's engagement (!!!), trying to write more, and a whole bunch of other things. If you like this episode, odds are, you'll like a lot of the others! Why not give the ... more
Emily Winter ( @EmilyMcWinter ) swings by to run the ollll' questionnaire. Such a fun episode. Give it a listen! Hell, give it a subscribe and a rate and a review!!
Hot damn, we could listen to Jericho Davidson tell stories for hours. He tells us about the whole mess of battle scars he's gathered in the states AND abroad, talks about being sponsored by Budweiser, and still finds time to run the questionnaire. Jericho Davidson twitter: @JerichoDavidson insta: @JerichoFingDavidson ... more
Kenice Mobley ( @KeniceMobley ) came by the studio/bedroom to talk about corporate life and why she's glad to be out of it, the perils of dating, molly, growing up religious, AND we still found time to run the questionnaire. SUCH a fun episode. Enjoy and share with all your friends! twitter/insta: @upyourbuttpod email:... more
Friend of the pod Ran Barnaclo ( @ranbarnaclo ) swings by to talk Big Little Lies, lifeguarding, Times Square AND run the questionnaire. Plus, we talk about how Jordan fucked Sam over on his birthday. Enjoy!
Friend of the pod Ran Barnaclo ( @ranbarnaclo ) swings by to talk Big Little Lies, lifeguarding, Times Square AND run the questionnaire. Plus, we talk about how Jordan fucked Sam over on his birthday. Enjoy!
Damn, what a delight it was having Andrea Allan on this episode. We talked google search histories, sick kids, crazy family members, AND we ran the questionnaire. It was so fun. You will enjoy it, and you'll definitely enjoy Andrea's new comedy EP, "Gonzo", which you can get everywhere! Check it out! Andrea Allan tw: @... more
Hawwwwt DAMN! This was a fun episode and a long time coming. Everyone's favorite good-time boy, the hilarious Joe Striks ( @JoeStriks ), came by to run the questionnaire. He had us in stitches and we had him in schvitzes! I do not know what that means. Give it a listen!!!
Hot Damn, it's just your favorite goons again today. We talk about how Our Planet is just TOO REAL, David Attenborough, Jordan's apartment hunt, and, unbelievably, the works of Joyce Carol Oates. Give it a listen, you turds!
HI - HELLO - It's just Jordan and I on this episode and we had a lot of fun and talked about things but the most important thing is that Jordan sneezed so hard his teeth flew out and it's the funniest thing that's ever happened.
Hot damn, this is a good one. Good time boys Will Winner and Patrick Schroeder stop by to talk some shit and run the questionnaire. Give it a listen!! Patrick Schroeder: @schrotime (all platforms) Will Winner: @winnerwill (Twitter) @will.the.winner (Insta)
Damnnnnn, this bad boy was fun. Albert ( @hotyoungalbert ) stopped by to talk about a whole bunch of stuff, including the beloved children's classic, Watership Down.