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Uplifting Us


Uplifting Us

A daily Health, Fitness, Self Help, Society and Culture podcast

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Uplifting Us


Uplifting Us

Uplifting Us


Uplifting Us

A daily Health, Fitness, Self Help, Society and Culture podcast
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Nov 21st, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving week!  Let's welcome to the show again, Mr. Bob Proctor. In this episode he's discussing the Law of Attraction. Enjoy!
Nov 19th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show Mr. Jack Canfield. Also, happy Thanksgiving week to everyone!
Nov 16th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show again the late, great Mr. Zig Ziglar. In this clip he's talking about how much we can accomplish when there's the prospect of a trip out of the country tomorrow. I love this great thought experiment.
Nov 15th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show for the first time, Mr. Kyle Cease. I've only recently discovered him and he's a fascinating person -- acting, comedy, and transformational speaker. In this clip he's discussing a 2 day event that he hosted. The fascinating part is that he apparently didn't script what he was going to say.
Nov 14th, 2018
In this episode we are welcoming to the show for the first time, Mrs. Ayse Birsel. In this clip she talks about designing the life you want. The part that really struck me is her discussing designing the life we want -- from the place of a deconstructed life. Wow!
Nov 13th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show, Mrs. Celeste Headlee. This is the first clip I've heard from her and her perspective on "finding" her vocation, finding a purpose is very interesting. Let's dive in. 
Nov 12th, 2018
In this episode we're welcoming to the show again, Mrs. Esther Hicks. I really was feeling this clip of a gentleman talking with Mrs. Hicks about problems, and her explanation about how we are sometimes guided to problems really, really, really hit me hard (in a good way). Enjoy!
Nov 9th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show fellow Texan, Mr. Matthew McConaughey.  This episode will echo a recent point that Gary Vaynerchuk made about enjoying the process, the journey of life. 
Nov 8th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show, Mr. Dwayne Johnson. In this clip he touches on a number of different subjects including moving through depressive symptoms. In keeping with the theme this week, I know you'll enjoy learning a little more about Mr. Johnson.
Nov 7th, 2018
Today we are welcoming retired US Navy SEAL, Mr. Jocko Willink.  In this discussion Mr. Willink and an interviewer are discussing his book, Discipline Equals Freedom. 
Nov 7th, 2018
It's exciting to welcome to the show for the first time, Mr. Denzel Washington. In this clip he shares some profound perspectives with us that are sure to inspire!
Nov 5th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show, Mr. Will Smith. In this episode he talks about fear through his skydiving experience in Dubai. You can find more of him here.
Nov 2nd, 2018
I’m SUPER excited about today’s featured speaker who is here for a second time, Mrs. Esther Hicks. She’s an author and speaker who travels around the world speaking to groups of hundreds of people at a time — and she’s been doing this for at least 20 years. This one spoke to me because she's talking to a businesswoma...
Nov 1st, 2018
I'm pumped to finally welcome to the show, Mr. Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the company’s 4 locations. In addition to Vayner...
Nov 1st, 2018
Let’s welcome to the show for the second half of yesterday's segment, Mr. Earl Shoaff, known as “The Millionaire Maker”. After leaving his dry cleaner business in Michigan, he moved to California, where through a neighbor he was invited to a success seminar. The speaker was Dr. J.B. Jones, founder of AbundVita. Throu...
Oct 30th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show for the first time, Mr. Earl Shoaff, known as "The Millionaire Maker". After leaving his dry cleaner business in Michigan, he moved to California, where through a neighbor he was invited to a success seminar. The speaker was Dr. J.B. Jones, founder of AbundVita. Through this encounter Mr. Sho...
Oct 29th, 2018
Today’s featured speaker is the one and only, Mr. Tony Robbins. In case you don’t know him, Mr. Robbins is a powerhouse of inspiration and practicality. I’ve listened to a LOT of his content and I’m excited to share this with you. This clip speaks to me right now and I hope you enjoy it. You can find more from him h...
Oct 26th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show Ms. Susie Carder. From Ms. Carder, I am not your average business coach. I have helped thousands of businesses achieve exponential growth, create radical business strategies, and blast from ordinary to explosive! And when you hire me, being average or running an average business instantly dro...
Oct 25th, 2018
  Let's welcome again to the show, Dr. Eric Thomas. He is a featured speaker who brings that FIRE!   Did I mention that ET brings the FIRE?! You can find more from him here.
Oct 24th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show, Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC. He's an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator who has been invited to speak in more than 32 countries on five continents. As a lecturer and educator, he is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for greatness...
Oct 23rd, 2018
Let's welcome to the show Ms. JJ Virgin --- Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness Expert Four-time NY Times Best-Selling Author. You can find more of her here.
Oct 22nd, 2018
Let's welcome to the show today, Mr. Oren Harris  --  better known as O. This nugget is from an improv, free flow conversation between Mr. Harris and a friend, Mr. Andrew Wilcox. You can feel the playful banter between the two, and it's a great conversation. In this exchange, they discuss being the most important ...
Oct 20th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show a powerhouse in the self development space, Mr. Brian Tracy. His quote, "If it's to be, it's up to me," and his explanation is another wonderful nugget for us to meditate on. Mr. Tracy is a transformational speaker and I'm excited to share him with you! You can find more from him here.
Oct 18th, 2018
Let's welcome to the show Dr. Wayne Dyer. The late Dr. Dyer is a wonderful example of an inspirational speaker -- that is, someone whose perspective causes us to go within to reflect. Woooooooooow, this quote hit me like a 2-by-4 right in my third eye (lol). It has caused me to pause and reflect, and I hope you enj...
Oct 17th, 2018
  Let's welcome to the show today chief technology officer of CoinText, Mr. Vin Armani. In this clip, he was at Free State Project New Hampshire and shares a gem with the audience, "I do not have the right to violently restrict another adult's right to peacefully live." The entire speech is here. You can find out mor...
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