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Vanguard Army

Rezistans Nwa Podcast Network

Vanguard Army

A weekly News, Politics and Society podcast featuring Aaron Thorpe
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Vanguard Army

Rezistans Nwa Podcast Network

Vanguard Army

Vanguard Army

Rezistans Nwa Podcast Network

Vanguard Army

A weekly News, Politics and Society podcast featuring Aaron Thorpe
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Vanguard Army (@VanguardArmyPod) joins forces with the Progressive Army (@ProgressiveArmy) with Lili (@LilTheTrill) and Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) welcoming Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) to talk about the DNC, the VP pick, and the paths to Nov
Lili (@LilTheTrill) & Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) react to the VP announcement, and welcome T (@RickyRawls) from the Champagne Sharks Podcast (@ChampagneSharks) to discuss Black conservatives, the history of Black conservatism and the evolution to
Lili (@LilTheTrill) and Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) interview Irami Osei-Frimpong (@IramiOF), a philosopher, political thinker, and host of the YouTube channel The Funky Academic. Discussing the black misleadership class and their collusion with c
Lili (@LilTheTrill) and Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) welcome Vanguard Army's (@VanguardArmyPod) first guest and Rezistans Nwa (@RezistansNwa) founder Andray Domise a.k.a. Q (@andraydomise) for a conversation on decades of economic racism, its effec
Lili and Aaron discuss the push to "reopen the economy," despite conflicting numbers and community sentiment; the Ontario Conservative government continuing to avoid talking about the racialized affects of COVID-19; the Republicans' dangerous r
In Vanguard Army's inaugural episode, Lili (@LilTheTrill) and Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) discuss the politics and dialectics of the pandemic and Black Lives Matter in Canada and the U.S., and why liberal parties in both countries have failed Blac
Rezistans Nwa is a project that recognizes the diverse nature of Blackness, one that recognizes liberation cannot wait, and that recognizes we will never liberate ourselves by assimilating into relationships of power created by and maintained f
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