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Elk - The Herbivore That Was Here Before

Elk - The Herbivore That Was Here Before

Released Sunday, 1st December 2024
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Elk - The Herbivore That Was Here Before

Elk - The Herbivore That Was Here Before

Elk - The Herbivore That Was Here Before

Elk - The Herbivore That Was Here Before

Sunday, 1st December 2024
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It's time for another episode of Walkin' on the Wild Side!  This time, Gabrielle and I are talking about the successful reintroduction of Elk in the Southeast.  Hunted into extinction in the 1700's and 1800's, this second largest member of the deer family has been reintroduced to North Carolina in the 2000's, but not without headaches and issues.  Join us as we chat about the successes, challenges, and essential collaborations that made the reintroduction of a majestic animal into a drastically changed ecosystem a success that now adds yet another facet to the gems of our national parks, refuges, and wild areas!

Here's some more information about the reintroduction of elk and where you can see them:




Where to see them:



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