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We Got This with Mark and Hal

Hal Lublin and Mark Gagliardi Maximum Fun

We Got This with Mark and Hal

A weekly Comedy, Arts, Society and Culture podcast featuring Mark Gagliardi and Hal Lublin

 65 people rated this podcast
We Got This with Mark and Hal

Hal Lublin and Mark Gagliardi Maximum Fun

We Got This with Mark and Hal

We Got This with Mark and Hal

Hal Lublin and Mark Gagliardi Maximum Fun

We Got This with Mark and Hal

A weekly Comedy, Arts, Society and Culture podcast featuring Mark Gagliardi and Hal Lublin
 65 people rated this podcast
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I don't add every episode to my queue, but when I do listen, I forget just how much I enjoy Mark and Hal's dynamic. I wouldn't be upset if the show leaned a little more adult, but I know Hal especially wanted to create something with more family appeal. They're both warm and funny hosts, and have brought on some highly entertaining guests over the years. If you like shows where people definitively decide on arbitrary or subjective things, this is absolutely for you.
THE podcast that sent me down the Maximum Fun rabbit hole it's warm and safe and amazing down here. You want to be here. These two are not only very funny and have amazing chemistry stemming from their long-time friendship, but are top quality lovely people as well! Their guests are always some of the most charming and hilarious people in the biz and you get to know a lot about who they all are on top of finding answers to life's pressing questions! THANK YOU Mark and Hal for this awedomeness!
We Got This with Mark and Hal is one of my favorite podcasts, I must listen to it the day that it comes out, I enjoy the fact that they interact with the online community they have created and we the listeners are encouraged to suggest topics and discuss decisions with them. Plus Mark and Hal have such a great chemistry together, it's like listening to two buddies debate about silly things and then make a decision so we don't have to lol. 5 stars for sure
If you want to listen to two friends shoot the shit about things that only sort of matter this podcast is escapism at it's finest. I look forward to the new episode every week.
While the topics aren't always something I'm interested in, there's just such a high level of enjoyment in listening to Mark & Hal ridiculously debate the merits of the topic at hand. I've recommended this to many friends who have become instant converts."PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! You must listen to this podcast!"
Charming fellas settle dumb arguments. It's the best.
We Got This is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to in a rather long commute in heavy traffic. The show settles debates about what is the best—action hero, board game, transportation form, etc.—with humor but also thought. Mark and Hal are two guys you feel you would want to hang out with to kick these things around and settle life's greatest debates (and not so greatest ones too).
An engaging podcast where the two charming, funny hosts debate high stakes topics like, "Best Cereal Mascot" and "Table or Booth"-- Sometimes with celebrity guests. Always amusing. Leave it to Mark and Hal- They got this!
Mark and Hal are the friends we all want to have - shooting the bull debating the "important" topics while sharing humor and tangents that have little to do with the topic at hand. Every episode is fun, funny, and family friendly,.
This is a fun podcast with some great guests! Check it out.
Turning on "We Got This" is like walking into your best friends' living room in the middle of a heated argument. Mark and Hal have a long history together, which comes out in the show as good-natured teasing and ribbing. Simply put, the show is a delight. No topic is dull enough that these two guys couldn't turn into an entertaining, thorough, hour-long debate.
A fun listen that tackles the big questions about everything from condiments to comics. I became a fan of both Mark and Hal from the Thrilling Adventure Hour. When that ended I was pleased to find that it's just as fun to listen to them as themselves.
Mark and Hal are always correct except for best 90s sitcom. They will enrich your lives, clear your skin, heal your deepest wounds except for not picking Seinfeld as the best situational comedy of the nineties.
We Got This is one of the high points of my week (sometimes the only high point.) No matter what the topic, Mark and Hal will keep you interested and amused, and perhaps a little more informed by the end. Even if you don't care about the subject being debated, you'll enjoy hearing these two friends cover all parts of the issue. From the all-important question of ketchup on a hotdog to cartoon cats or board games, everyone has an opinion, but only one will be chosen and declared correct to the People of the World.
I may disagree with their decisions sometimes, but I always get a laugh out of the discussions.
Mark and Hal are charming, and fun, and always a pleasure to listen to, even when their decisions are wrong.
Awesome podcast settling everyday debates with amazing hosts
Why fight about anything when you can have these two hilarious guys decide for you! I never have to worry about what the best things in life are. I never have to wonder what the best BBQ is or who the best Stooge is, they already decided!
Discovered this podcast when the Amazing Darin De Paul did an episode of Signal Boost on the Geek and Sundry network. Started listening to it and binged it from the beginning. Always very fun to listen to even if you sometimes don't agree with their decision in the end. (But that's you're fault for being wrong)
Fantastic show. Even when they get the answers wrong, it is always entertaining. Two of the nicest most appreciative guys in podcasting.
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