New podcast weblogWhat Are You Bringing? @waybpodcast
A weekly podcast where hosts, best-selling author @jenpastiloff and @aceyogala, discuss what they are bringing to the table, life, and to the BBQ.
Along with producer Aviv Rubinstien aka @rambocalrissian, Jennifer and ACE cover a variety of topics including authenticity, mental health, vulnerability, social justice, sex, love, friendship, anxiety, spirituality, loosely based on a theme-of-the-week.
These are conversations you'd want to have with your new best friends.
Often Jennifer and ACE will welcome guests to their barbecue to discuss the topics of the week and demystify, decode, and deconstruct preconceived notions of the way we're "supposed" to function in our community, in society, and in our own bodies.
What Are You Bringing? is dedicated to a quality podcast experience with the most creative shenanigans from Jen & ACE.
Their hope is to make you laugh, cry, and pee just a little bit. We're bringing the tissues.