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Why How Yes Sales Podcast

Mike " Red" Stafstrom

Why How Yes Sales Podcast

A Business and Marketing podcast featuring Red Stafstrom

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Why How Yes Sales Podcast

Mike " Red" Stafstrom

Why How Yes Sales Podcast

Why How Yes Sales Podcast

Mike " Red" Stafstrom

Why How Yes Sales Podcast

A Business and Marketing podcast featuring Red Stafstrom
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Your "Why" is the reason people want to do business with you.

Your "How" is the technique that sets you apart.

The "Yes" is your ultimate goal.

This is a podcast that walks through sales skills in ways you probably haven't thought of before. Here, your old school mindset may be challenged. Red distills sales skills down to simple techniques for you and your teams to understand. If you are in sales or are leading a team, this podcast will quickly become a great way to explain complicated sales tactics in a way that can actually be implemented.

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Red Stafstrom
28 episodes
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Podcast Details

Created by
Mike " Red" Stafstrom
Podcast Status
Jan 1st, 2020
Latest Episode
Apr 8th, 2020
Release Period
3 per week
Avg. Episode Length
19 minutes

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