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Episode 290 - Longsword Fencing, HEMA, and the Middle of America

Episode 290 - Longsword Fencing, HEMA, and the Middle of America

Released Tuesday, 7th March 2017
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Episode 290 - Longsword Fencing, HEMA, and the Middle of America

Episode 290 - Longsword Fencing, HEMA, and the Middle of America

Episode 290 - Longsword Fencing, HEMA, and the Middle of America

Episode 290 - Longsword Fencing, HEMA, and the Middle of America

Tuesday, 7th March 2017
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In this episode, I interview Michaelangelo Reina (Angel) from the Omaha Kunst Des Fechtens HEMA fencing club. I discovered this group last year and have been training in longsword fencing for months now and absolutely love it. Angel is our club instructor and we have a chat about how he found himself in Omaha and how he managed to start this wonderful club. 

HEMA is an international organization and to learn more, just go to the OKDF website where you can see what our classes are about, watch video, and take a look at our schedule. 

NOTE: Some of the audio has a little clipping. Sorry for that. Also, I'm aware I pronounced "Fechtens" incorrectly in the opening audio. Whaddya do?

Omaha Kunst Des Fechtens website

OKDF on Facebook 


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