Dr. Rhoberta Shaler
As a relationship consultant, mediator, speaker and author, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor, provides urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis. Her mission is to help people stop tolerating abuse. Even the United States Marines have sought her help. Dr. Shaler focuses on helping the partners, exes, and adult children of the relentlessly difficult people she calls “Hijackals®.” She offers strategies for dealing with the constant uncertainty and jaw-dropping behaviors of the difficult, toxic people she calls Hijackals®.Author of sixteen books including Escaping the Hijackal Trap and Stop! That’s Crazy-Making! How to Stop Playing the Passive-Aggressive Game. She is the host of three podcasts: Emotional Savvy: The Relationship Help Show and Save Your Sanity: Help for Handling Hijackals, and Focus on Forward: Fuel for a Fearless Future.
Website: https://www.ForRelationshipHelp.com Books: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=rhoberta+shalerFree Ebook: How to Spot a Hijackal® https://www.forrelationshiphelp.com/hijackals-intro/ Podcast: https://www.ForRelationshipHelp.com/networkFacebook: https://www.Facebook.com/RelationshipHelpDoctorTwitter: https://Twitter.com/RhobertaShalerInstagram: https://Instagram.com/DrRhobertaShalerLinkedin: https://www.LinkedIn.com/in/RhobertaShaler
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