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You've Got The Time (YGTT) - ESV Bible - English Standard Bible (40 Day)

You've Got The Time (YGTT) - ESV Bible - English Standard B…

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You've Got The Time (YGTT) - ESV Bible - English Standard Bible (40 Day)

You've Got The Time (YGTT) - ESV Bible - English Standard Bible (40 Day)

You've Got The Time (YGTT) - ESV Bible - English Standard Bible (40 Day)

You've Got The Time (YGTT) - ESV Bible - English Standard B…

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Episodes of You've Got The Time

Mark All
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The birth of Jesus; John the Baptist prepares the way; Jesus tested by Satan; Sermon on the Mount
Jesus heals; Jesus sends out the Twelve; Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath
Parables; loaves and fish; Jesus calms the water; Jesus teaches on sincerity and forgiveness
Jesus teaches about divorce, riches and the coming kingdom; Jesus enters Jerusalem; woe to the Pharisees
Parables of judgment; Jesus arrested, tried, convicted, crucified and raised from the dead
Jesus' Galilean ministry; apostles, parables, healings and miracles
Tradition over Scripture; Jesus feeds the many; who is the greatest?; triumphal entry
Jesus and the teachers of the Law; Jesus and the coming judgment; betrayal, death and resurrection
The birth of Jesus foretold and fulfilled; John the Baptist prepares the way; Jesus tempted by Satan
Jesus calls the disciples; apostles are appointed; Jesus calms the storm and many are healed and fed
Jesus sends 72; the Lord's Prayer; various warnings and teachings; repent or judgment
Various teachings and parables; Jesus and Zacchaeus; triumphal entry
Chief priests try to trap Jesus; signs of the destruction of Jerusalem; the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus
The Living Word of God; Cana wedding; Nicodemus; Samaritan woman; lame man healed
Bread of Life, rivers of living water; Abraham's descendants; blind man healed
The good Shepherd; Lazarus; the triumphal entry; foot washing; "I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life"
Vine and branches; the work of the Holy Spirit; the High Priestly prayer; betrayal and crucifixion
Resurrection; Jesus and Peter; Jesus and John; Jesus Ascends; Pentecost; Church grows in numbers
Apostles appear before the Council; Stephen stoned; Philip witnesses; the conversion of Saul
Conversion of Cornelius; Peter's Gentile report; Jerusalem church persecuted; Paul and Barnabas; Jerusalem Council
Paul called to Macedonia; Paul witnesses in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth and Ephesus
Paul returns to Jerusalem; Paul defends himself before the mob, Sanhedrin, Governor Felix, Governor Festus and King Agrippa
Paul's witness in Rome; Jews have sinned; Gentiles have sinned; all of sinned; salvation is by grace
Salvation is by faith; triumph of grace over the power of sin and the law; life in the Spirit; God's righteousness to Israel and Israel's rejection
God's righteousness in everyday life; sanctified in Christ; foolishness and wisdom of the cross
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