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Review Party Banger Collection

The best of the best, all the most iconic Review Party Dot Com episodes in one carefully curated list.

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Created April 07, 2022

Updated February 12, 2025

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  1. Jul 7th, 2020
    Everyone is getting a lot closer the more time we spend together. And like any great party, this one only gets better the longer you stay. Jaws are dropping, robes are dropping - even the walls between us are dropping - but the beat. WILL. GO. ON. In this episode we examine feral wolfchildren, snoozebooks, unenjoyable...


  2. Jul 14th, 2020
    Here at Review Party Dot Com, when we say "spin that Bible, brother!" we, of course, are referring to the trailblazing album Sorry for Party Rocking (Deluxe Version) by the late, great LMFAO. This is the fifth episode of our humble party-on-tape, which corresponds to the fifth track on said album, Champagne Showers. Yu...


  3. Aug 18th, 2020
    I feel like I'm just rolling through this party, not in a bad way, like I'm on a rigging being pushed through with a camera in front of my face so its like I'm floating through the party blissfully. We had to pay the fx team extra for that.Today's topics include the lies capris tell, being a toad person with a giant t...


  4. Sep 22nd, 2020
    Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Gamer Girl Heaven, and you’re already fragged!Today the boys discuss...


  5. Oct 13th, 2020
    Bringing books to the party may seem a little drab, but after you give this little episode a listen, you may think twice about that. Or at least, learn some G DARN respect for those bad knowledge bringing boys.Today’s topics include The Last Blockbuster on Earth, Newman’s Own questionable costume collection, a duck sa...


  6. Oct 27th, 2020
    The party just got spooky! Ghosts! Skelemans! Witches! Evil apples! Join us for the first annual Halloween Review Spooktacular. It's sure to be a scream! On today's Spooktacular the boys discuss: empty headed beanbag chair children, Cro-Magnon magicians, turnin' tricks, Magician Lennie's Cup of Gore, vaseline,  more o...


  7. Nov 3rd, 2020
    Craig S, Darth Craiger, Craig-san, The Melon Soda Bandit of Akihabara, クレイガ. This social entrepreneur and 3-time Yelp Elite goes by many monikers, but a Craig by any other name reviews just as sweet. On Episodes 5 and 18 you heard the boys go through the Donkey Kong Country mine cart level of emotions that is reading ...


  8. Nov 17th, 2020
    Snuggle up with a loved one and run this track: It starts with stories of other worldly sharp tomahawks and ends with screams of ridicule for those of us who prefer no tomatoes. Quite the rousing tale.This weeks topics include the coolest tomahawk ever made, Stretch Armstrong Optimus Prime, that soap and sunglasses co...


  9. Dec 1st, 2020
    The humble fedora. A hat, or a way of life? The first I gazed upon Mr. Timberlake's fedora'd cranium I gasped; male fashion would never be the same. And I, in turn, would never be the same. I could never see through anything but the lense of fedora. That'd kind'a what this episode is like.Today's topics include a cha...


  10. Dec 8th, 2020
    This week the boys are making Vin Diesel look like Vin Weasel with all the excellent drifting they're doing. Vehicular drift, snow drifting, wii-mote drifting, but never, ever, drifting apart. FRIENDSHIP BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Today's topics include suction, sorting sweatpants, Snorlax, Review Party International (Dot Com),...


  11. Dec 22nd, 2020
    ‘Tis the season for some seasonably festive reviews. And I’m not talking cumin, I’m talking the holidays, baby! So gather round with your heartiest nog and listen to this good good gum drop of a holiday episode. Also, featuring our buddy Chris! Merry CHRIStmas! Happy holidays! And a big ol’ New Year.Today’s topics inc...


  12. Jan 26th, 2021
    He's spiking the prune juice again! What an old scoundrel, but boy, is he fucking cool.Today's topics include Don Knotts the Otherworldly Color-Sucking Being, Andy Griffith Show deep lore, gizzard wizards, awful sounds, al dente (or otherwise), the Velveeta Repeata, legalizing black pepper on Mac n Cheese, Political P...


  13. Feb 2nd, 2021
    Harry, no matter how much I tell you not to laugh at this episode, you have to laugh. you have to enjoy it. NO HARRY, DON'T LAUGH AT THAT HILARIOUS YELP REVIEW. NO, HARRY! I KNOW ITS FUNNY THEY HAVE IT 3 STARS INSTEAD OF 1 BUT HARRY YOU MUSN'T! ARRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYToday's topics include Ping My Pong Dot Com, Su...


  14. Feb 9th, 2021
    Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop and atomic breathe a city every once in awhile, you could miss it.Today's topics include emotionally running a marathon, the flour kid, Rosie O'Donnell fashion trends, laying babies, unfiltered thoughts about my Prius, driving a computer, being the Michael Myers of fuel effici...


  15. Mar 9th, 2021
    “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for ping pong."Today's topics include: describing a "chicken chip", pillars of salty ranch, a strawberry kiwi special, the "cool" teacher, the sick game that is the American high school pep rally, just crackin' packets, getting hopped up off some juice, Omaha Be...


  16. Apr 20th, 2021
    Sometimes, you just sniff!Today's topics include baby shoes, perverse opinions, worm holes to the snot realm, problem gamblers, the Cartoon All-stars, Optimus Prime's Gambling Problem, werewolf germs, sipping, The Full Tomiko, milk, fun fridge activities, and not joking.Want more party? Find it at https://www.review...


  17. May 4th, 2021
    Sweep the leg, except it's a mech and you're sweeping the leg with your cute and primitive log technology.Today's topics include little speedy monkeys, waking up with ball hair, having literate children, explicit hot sauces, pinky problems, elation, duck dynasties, and ultra money.Want more party? Check out https://...


  18. May 11th, 2021
    We've reached it! The climax!Today's topics include the perfect gift for teens, elves, Tommy Pickle's bare midriff, Pikablu, The Handsome Gamer™, 3D data of the world around you, the ol' "lemon oopsie", Stephen King, Megaman-style power stealing, aggressive babies, Lil' Willy Wonka, laser feet, Achilles' mom, butt-lik...


  19. Jul 6th, 2021
    We've been doing this podcast for a whole year! I could fill this description with schmoozing directed towards you, dear viewer who is reading this, but I'll let the hot and ready episode do the talking. Happy birthday Review Party Dot Com, and many more!Today's topics include disco infernos, Kevin McAlister's House, ...


  20. Aug 10th, 2021
    A couple gentleman enter a dimly lit stage. The lights come up, they stand there motionless, yet exuding power, ready to burst forth with art and music; the art of laughter, and the music of comedy.Today’s topics include bread, facts, entire legends, chicken head guy, bomb bowling, wall beyblades, some deep seeded des...


  21. Aug 31st, 2021
    You're telling me Kentucky fried this chicken? Like, the whole state? How many hands were on this bird?! If you can't even tell me that with a straight face than you can keep your damn 11 herbs and spices as well, you dead beat!Today's topics include Diary of  Wimpy Kid Land, loveguitar (one word), an Air Bud prison o...


  22. Oct 19th, 2021
    An encounter surely so exciting you’ll be hearing RPG battle music as soon as you lock eyes with the little bastard. Claws out, it’s time to party.Today’s topics include a go-go extend-o rake, revving up, Bloodborne, getting serious like when Ash puts his hat backwards, going through a lot of duct tape, kind of being ...


  23. Oct 26th, 2021
    Are you afraid of the review? After a year of delving the murky depths of internet and finishing them up for this podcast we are terrified of them. We are absolutely squeamish at the thought of what those things are capable of doing to a human psyche. So once again, we are here to present some of the most nightmare ind...


  24. Nov 2nd, 2021
    Well mutton my chops it's time for another episode of Review Party Dot Com! This show is very funny, very cool, very chill, very nice, very handsome, very party, very dot com!Today's topics include Miami Sound Machine, mediocrity, various kinds of deer calls, grunting, cleaving power, being a human pretzel, the corn p...


  25. Nov 30th, 2021
    It smells like a Karen's haircut and last minute gift wrappings, that's right, tis the season to just hate everyone, especially your own family, and yourself. Wow, that was really more depressing to write than I thought. Have this funny podcast episode to make up for it.Today's topics include possible feral basement c...


  26. Dec 7th, 2021
    I googled the lyrics for Despacito so I could write some great jokes for this description, but I forgot they were all in Spanish :(Today topics include hatchets, jello, the unlimited applications of pog slammers, getting hit on vicariously, being discreet with your juices, turkey basters, John Cusack, and raw, solid w...


  27. Dec 21st, 2021
    Every Reviewer down in Reviewville liked reviews a lot... But Evil Matt, who lived just south of Reviewville, did NOT! Evil Matt hated reviews! The whole review season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. I think the most likely reason of all may have been that his Amazon gift card was two sizes t...


  28. Jan 11th, 2022
    “Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.” - Ernest Hemingway. “How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains? Yeah... If Coach would'a put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt...


  29. Feb 1st, 2022
    Once you pop the fun don't stop, especially if you are popping open a sleeve of cookies. The first cookie is as decadent as the dozenth. You can't stop. You must continue feasting. You must write a review for the cookies. And then eat twelve more.Today's topics include the perfect cough, serious little brother bodily ...


  30. Mar 8th, 2022
    You're never really alone, just check the seats next to you for cheek prints. More often than not, you'll find that the spirit of one of your progenitors was resting their rump right next to you, perhaps guiding you, perhaps enjoying a bit of your company, perhaps just resting their sweaty dumper for a moment on their ...


  31. Apr 5th, 2022
    One more time, we're at the DMV. Oh yeah, alright, don't stop doing paperwork. You know I'm just feeling, lots of paperwork, tonight, don't register too late, mmm, no, we're gunna do paperwork. The DMV's got me feeling the need.Today's topics include kids with fruit for heads, old commercials, animatronics with human ...



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