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"Ispirazione Quotidiana" è un podcast dedicato alla crescita personale e spirituale. Presentato ogni giorno, ha l'obiettivo di fornire ispirazione e motivazione agli ascoltatori. Curato da Simone Bedetti, editore di Area51 Publishing, casa editrice leader nel campo della crescita personale e spirituale, il podcast si propone come una risorsa quotidiana per chi cerca di migliorare se stesso e la propria vita. Per maggiori informazioni, visita il sito www.area51editore.com. | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
Welcome to the #CanPassWillPass Show and Podcast!I’m passionate about Medicine, Medical Education, Mindset and Reaching Potential. I use the #CanPassWillPass show to connect with, learn from and share with you challenges and success stories from doctors across the globe. ✅ Personal journeys ✅ Challenges and struggles ✅ What success means✅ Why their speciality ✅ Balancing multiple roles ✅ Much more!Hope you enjoy listening.Full video versions are here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkWfBY_0ydbOoTkp92lBPw#CanPassWillPass | -- | 1 Rating | ||||
Erhalten Sie die neuesten Nachrichten des Tages der Kronen Zeitung. | -- | -- | 0 Ratings | |||
Informativos Telecinco | -- | -- | 0 Ratings | |||
Musique bébés et enfants - Ecouter des chansons, comptines et berceuses - RSS Playlists | -- | -- | 0 Ratings | |||
Lyt med og få viden om undervisningsformen, når både forskere og praktikere deler ud af deres praktiske erfaringer og indsigter. | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
IVT, maak kennis met de leden van de internationale vereniging Trappist! - l’AIT, rencontrez les membres de l'Association Internationale Trappiste ! - ITA, meet the members of the International Trappist Association! | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
Sterven. We doen het ooit allemaal. En toch spreken we er bijna nooit over. Waarom is het zo moeilijk om de dood onder ogen te komen? En waarom is het nog moeilijker om te begrijpen dat de dood ook een wens kan zijn? Deze vierdelige podcast buigt zich over de verschillende partijen in het debat over voltooid leven. Voltooid leven is een podcast van The Podcast Planet in opdracht van de belangenvereniging Recht op Waardig Sterven (RWS), met muziek van Brecht Mertens. | -- | -- | 0 Ratings | |||
Hörfunknachrichten von SR 1 | -- | -- | 0 Ratings | |||
I vores podcast om seksualundervisning i gymnasiet møder du både elevorganisationer og en læge og professor, der giver deres perspektiver på den gode seksualundervisning. Podcasten er produceret af Styrelsen for Undervisning og Kvalitet. | -- | 2 Ratings | ||||
October 2019 update: This audio tour is no longer available. Unfortunately, part of the route has roadworks going on at the moment (so you cannot complete the route as the audio advises).—— Original description below this line ——Immerse yourself in the ghastly words of the master of terror, leading you through the maze of Dublin’s nightmare streets on a petrifying audio adventure.Beginning in the city centre (beside Dublin Castle) and ending God knows where, this weird walking tour is not for the faint hearted. So grab your crucifix, wrap that scarf tight around your tasty neck, put on your headphones and download terror straight into your unwitting ears!Come brave Bram’s catalogue of nightmare novels and shivery short stories. Will you survive the blood-curdling tales or will the Prince of Darkness rise again to claim his latest victim?Press: https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/a-bloodcurdling-row-about-bram-stoker-and-dracula-legacy-in-dublin-1.3271211Suitable for ages 12+ (Under 18s should be accompanied by an adult). This playlist contains two tracks: one free sample track to get you in the mood, plus one premium track (Bram audio ghost experience) which requires payment to unlock.Try the free sample, then purchase the hour-long BRAM audio ghost experience here on https://awesound.com/audiobook/bramstokertour for just €5.00 + €0.80 processing fee.After purchase, you can click play right here in your browser, or use a podcast app if you need to play it offline later.This is an outdoor event. Please dress appropriately.Start here: Cork Hill beside Dublin Castle (near City Hall)https://goo.gl/maps/36YCZw6wn1J2 Bonus content ------------------- For €5.80, purchase this highly-produced, immersive walking tour audio guide. (€5.00 + €0.80 processing fee)To get full access, visit https://awesound.com/p/bramstokertour | -- | 1 Rating | ||||
Dette er blot en testfunktion. Hvis du falder over den, så bær over med os..;-) | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
Podcastserien "Din digitale gæstelærer" bringer anerkendte fagpersoner og fremtrædende danskere ind i klasseværelserne. Til hver podcast er der udviklet et undervisningsforløb med en tilhørende lærervejledning, som læreren kan blive inspireret af i tilrettelæggelsen af undervisningen. Du kan finde alle gæstelærerforløb til grundskolen, erhvervsuddannelserne og de gymnasiale uddannelser på emu.dk. | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
What happens when we create space across diverse experiences to create connection, understanding and mutual power? Jada is Our Queen is a podcast designed to do just this - by bringing women together from across the world to tackle tricky subjects with humour, compassion and insight.We're here to find pleasure in diversity — and to stretch our comfort zones while staying connected. The aim is to break down privilege in a way that feels good, and use our collective privilege to champion and cheerlead inspirational women from across the globe. | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
Blijven Boeren?! is een podcast die een diepe inkijk geeft in de mens achter de boer. | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
Elite Radio 21.4 - RSS Musics - SONG OF THE WEEK-JR JR. | -- | -- | -- Ratings | |||
Consumer Investigator Dale Cardwell tackles seemingly unsolvable consumer problems; keeping you safe from scams. | -- | 1 Rating | ||||
Het Blauwe Kruis van de Kust is het dierenasiel van Oostende. En hoewel we allemaal een beeld hebben van een dierenasiel, zal deze podcast je toch verbazen. De reeks geeft een eerlijk en confronterend beeld achter de scherm, in de hokken van het asiel en in de harten van de verzorgers. | -- | -- | 2 Ratings | |||
Parashat Hashavua | -- | -- | 0 Ratings | |||
Een podcast over de kwaliteitsborging bij HOGENT. | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
EY België Podcast | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
I denne podcastserie på tre episoder kommer du helt tæt på, hvad det vil sige at undervise undersøgelsesbaseret. Lyt med og få viden om undervisningsformen, når både lærere og forskere deler ud af deres praktiske erfaringer og indsigter. Podcastserien er produceret af Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut, EVA, for Styrelsen for Undervisning og Kvalitet. Vært er journalist og podcastproducent Simon Brix. | -- | -- | 0 Ratings | |||
We tellen af van 50 naar 1 tijdens de BeNe top 50 !Elke zaterdag van 14 tot 17 uur via Familyradio.Alle info via www.Familyradio.beVolg ons ook via www.facebook.com/Benetop50/* De volgende dag na uitzending kan je de BeNe top 50 herbeluisteren.** Scroll naar beneden en daar vind je ook de lijst.* | -- | 0 Ratings | ||||
The Wound Centre provides everything you need to know about preventing and managing wounds, related OH&S, infection control issues and case studies. Subcribe to hundreds of articles and more published papers at www.thewoundcentre.com.You will receive regular emails and a free e-book 'Sharp Clinical Solutions for the prevention and treatment of skin tears' that are supported by the episodes in this podcast series. | -- | 0 Ratings |
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