Through this podcast series, we have seen a multitude of ways to embrace ageing with purpose, and the stories shared are inspiring change from many places. If you’ve been inspired by what you’ve heard, there are many ways you can help change ageing for the better.Avanti Care’s Managing Director Lidia Conci has connecte... more
While we want to provide the best care for our elderly loved ones, we can’t always do this when they live at home, especially if their community isn’t set up for ageing with purpose. If we chose to use aged care facilities, we want to send our loved ones to places where we know they’ll be looked after and where hopeful... more
When you use the infrastructure in your neighborhood or city do you think about how you would access places and services without the full use of your mind or body? The idea of an age-friendly city seems strange until you consider it deeply, it provides for people of all ages and defines an approach to serving every kin... more
We often think that once we age to a certain point our brains start to fail us, and it’s true that the conductive sheathing around our neurons, myelin, is no longer produced after about 50 years old. But we can always shift myelin, we can always learn something new, no matter our age.An expert on neuroplasticity, the r... more
Physical pain is something we wish to avoid, we fear oncoming pain and it can often seem insurmountable until it passes. So when pain defines our life, it stops us from doing the things we love and spending time with the people we love.Lorimer Moseley is the Professor of Clinical Neurosciences and Chair of Physiotherap... more
Are you becoming more and more aware of your advancing age? Do you wonder if you’re making the most of your life - or fear that the best years of your life may be behind you?Lidia Conci is the Managing Director of Avanti Care and her mantra is that every person and their needs matter greatly. Avanti Care is an aged car... more