On this episode of Comeback hosts Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds break down the timeline of Brian Shaffer as well as a breakdown of all of the exits at the Ugly Tuna Saloona and the layout. There will also be a Q&A with questions that were asked to us by our Facebook and Websleuths friends.You can find Comeback on ... more
----more----Show NotesEpisode 4: Details From Private Investigator Don CorbettOn this episode of Comeback hosts Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds interviews Private Investigator Don Corbett. Don was hired by Brian Shaffer’s father Randy and still investigates to this day! Comeback makes a Special Announcement... more
Show NotesOn this Episode of Comeback hosts Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds will have a Memorial to Kevin Miles, with Tony Luzio and Lori Davis. During the call we had a slight technical issue with our recorder that could not be corrected. Instead of doing a new interview we decided to use it anyways due to the g... more
Show NotesOn this episode of Comeback hosts Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds speak with Brian Shaffer’s uncle Tim Shaffer as well as Brian’s cousin Dan Shaffer. Through email Nick and Kelly were able to ask questions to Derek and Maurin Shaffer. There will be stand ins for the voices of Derek and Maurin, as they have... more
Show NotesOn this Special Edition Of Comeback we are discussing The Brian Shaffer March For The Missing which was planned by co-host Kelly Hammonds & Lori Davis with the help of many others. Hosts Nicholas West & Kelly Hammonds will also discuss what they have learned so far in their investigation in Episode 1 & 2, ... more
Show Notes:In this episode of Comeback we speak to sergeant John Hurst of The Columbus Police Department and lead Detective in the disappearance of Brian Shaffer. Not only does he give us many details about Brian’s case, but he also answers several questions that could discredit several theories.Comeback is on Fac... more
This debut episode of Comeback. In this episode host Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds begin Thier investigation on the disappearence of Brian Shaffer by speaking with people closet to the case. We begin with close friend to Randy Shaffer and missing person advocate Lori Davis. Tim Shaffer, Brian's uncle and Randy's bro... more