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Kate Arkless Gray's posts

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Kate Arkless Gray's posts

A daily Science, Medicine and Technology podcast

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Kate Arkless Gray's posts

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Kate Arkless Gray's posts

Kate Arkless Gray's posts

Audioboom Audioboom

Kate Arkless Gray's posts

A daily Science, Medicine and Technology podcast
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Oct 3rd, 2018
#iac2018 #asteroidlanding #mascot2018
Oct 3rd, 2018
Bake in Space - the future of bread-based snacks on Moon and Mars? CEO Sebastian Marcu explains their concept
Oct 2nd, 2018
#IAC2018 I talk to Astroscale COO Chris Blackerby to find out how they’re connecting technology, policy and business in an attempt to solve the #spacedebris issue.
Sep 28th, 2017
Responsible for the first Ghanaian satellite, Benjamin Bonsu has big ambitions. Hear how his efforts got Ghana to space, and why he's not ready to stop with just Cubesat.
Sep 28th, 2017
Why this young agency is heading straight for the red planet...
Sep 26th, 2017
Peter Nikloff from the Space Industry Association of Australia, (and also Nova Systems) tells me about the work that went into securing a national space agency for Australia, and what the next steps will be. #IAC2017
Aug 25th, 2017
Matthew Cosby (@mattcosby) of @Goonhillyorg and Noel Matthews (G8GTZ) talk to me about massive dishes, Moon bounces and making a world record for the longest distance voice call with signal bounced of the Moon. #MoonandBack
Aug 25th, 2017
Woweee! My voice just travelled over 500,000 miles! Literally to the Moon and back!
Oct 29th, 2016
Cool toolbar enables accessibility overlays for existing websites. #accessibility #mozfest #mozfest2016
Jul 14th, 2015
Nov 19th, 2014
#lunarmissionone #RIspace2014@RAL_space_stfc
Oct 28th, 2014
#IAC2014 Hayabusa2 is the Japanese Space Agency's second sample return mission to an asteroid, following a successful mission with Hayabusa1. It launches at the end of November 2014. #JAXA
Oct 27th, 2014
#IAC2014 - SGAC Chair Chris Vasko talks about the exciting things that could be done with cold plasma.
Jun 7th, 2014
At a crew preview of the documentary film "Last Man on the Moon" I managed to catch a couple of minutes with the film's star, Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan, who, despite his belief he won't be the last, is currently the last person to have walked on the Moon. #space #Apollo #moonwalker #LastManontheMoon #moon #nasa
Oct 13th, 2013
#apollo12, #alanbean, #apollo, Apollo, Apollo12, SpaceKate
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