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Not Your Pastors Podcast

Not Your Pastor's Podcast

Not Your Pastors Podcast

A weekly Religion and Spirituality podcast

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Not Your Pastors Podcast

Not Your Pastor's Podcast

Not Your Pastors Podcast

Not Your Pastors Podcast

Not Your Pastor's Podcast

Not Your Pastors Podcast

A weekly Religion and Spirituality podcast
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Oct 27th, 2019
Jake has received static filled calls from his old house, Wayne has been visited by a little girl, and Tony gives an update on the woman living at his mom's house.  All of these stories and more in our Podcast of Horror 4. Meanwhile back in 1996 Alex and Jason can't believe the youth group has opted out of Jason's Harv...
Aug 1st, 2019
When someone dies by suicide, do they go to hell? In this episode we explore that question through the stories of Andrew Stoecklein, Amy Bleuel, and Matthew Warren, three notable christians who’ve recently died by suicide. We also talk to Steve Austin, author of “Catching Your Breath” and “From a Pastor to a Psych Wa...
May 2nd, 2019
Jason reveals to Alex that he set up a “left behind” scenario for the youth group which resulted in many tearful conversions to Christ. Alex berates the practice saying that the scare tactic isn’t the best way to lead people to the Lord. Jason disagrees and thus they consult their time machine to peer into the future c...
Apr 26th, 2019
Sometimes you just have to change things up! This is our last transmission before we switch show formats. Thank you for your continued support, we hope you like the new format starting May 1st, 2019. In the meantime visit our new website www.notyourpastors.com and sign our guestbook!facebook, twitter, instagram @noty...
Mar 10th, 2019
Kerri is the daughter of the BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) serial killer, Dennis Rader. From 1974 to 1991 BTK claimed 10 victims. Not only that, he taunted the police and terrorized the citizens of Wichita Kansas through the media releasing photos and evidence of his victims looking for fame and notoriety. But that's not t...
Mar 1st, 2019
After growing up religious and then leaving his faith behind, Pastor Brandon Carleton started to feel like he was throwing the baby out with the bathwater. After years of deconstructing, then reconstructing his beliefs, he began to ask questions like: Is there a way to cut through religious dogma and create authentic c...
Feb 15th, 2019
Christina Spaeth is a Speech-Language Pathologist who works with the birth-to-three population in Racine County, Wisconsin. She regularly encounters parents as they are just beginning their disability journey with their child. Her 27 year old sister also has Angelman Syndrome, a rare genetic syndrome that causes many p...
Feb 8th, 2019
Sometimes people are difficult to love, from manipulative drug addicts, to overprotective parents, to that super political uncle everyone seems to have, to your little ones stuck at home on a snow day during a polar vortex. Sometimes people are hard to love, we talk about that from a ministry and family stand point and...
Feb 1st, 2019
The bible text only has one meaning... but it’s certainly not black and white! In this episode we share some tips that we’ve picked up along the way to help us interpret the bible. Be it what our mentors taught us, the John MacArthur sermons we inhaled, or the latest Rob Bell book, we use it all and want to help you on...
Jan 28th, 2019
What age did you start going to church or your relationship with God? What age should you? Was it positive or damaging? What about our kids? What’s the age of accountability? We talk about all that and more!Support us on Patreon! | www.patreon.com/nyppTwitter | @NYPastors #NYPPulpitFacebook | @NotYourPastorInstagr...
Jan 14th, 2019
Happy New Year! lets talk about sin! Jason had a sick holiday while Alex did some reorganizing with Marie Kondo and lusting after AquaMan.
Dec 14th, 2018
To Santa or not to Santa? Jason’s family does Santa, his kids believe and great reveal is around the corner. Alex’s family doesn’t do Santa. Is it a good idea or bad? We share some Saint Nick history and listeners chime in with their Santa stories in this Christmas Special!Support us on Patreon! | www.patreon.com/nyp...
Dec 7th, 2018
Remember that one time when everything went wrong all at once and you had no money and thought God must be angry with you? We do and we talk about it. Support us on Patreon! | www.patreon.com/nyppTwitter | @NYPastors #NYPPulpitFacebook | @NotYourPastorInstagram | @NYPPIf you’d like to contribute a sermon to our ...
Nov 30th, 2018
If scientists could use Crispr to genetically edit babies to be morally perfect and obedient to biblical law, would there still be a need or point for Jesus? Alex and Jason discuss with input from listeners.Support us on Patreon! | www.patreon.com/nyppTwitter | @NYPastors #NYPPulpitFacebook | @NotYourPastorInstagr...
Nov 18th, 2018
Bow your heads, close your eyes, and let God have it. It may just be the best decision you’ve ever made. It’s also kinda biblical. Alex and Jason pray this episode will encourage and grow your relationship with Jesus. Amen!Support us on Patreon! | www.patreon.com/nyppTwitter | @NYPastors #NYPPulpitFacebook | @NotYo...
Oct 28th, 2018
Jason’s Dad comes back on the show to share stories of weird creatures he encountered while working in the mines in Kentucky. He also shares what may have been a demonic attack on a pastor friend. Meanwhile, Alex may have gone off the deep end. Support us on Patreon! | www.patreon.com/nyppTwitter | @NYPastors #NYPPu...
Oct 21st, 2018
Zachary King, a former satanist, claims to have participated in 146 abortions, been to Bohemian Grove 18 times, and was high wizard for from 1987-2000 meeting presidents, rock stars, kings and queens all over the globe. After leaving his satanic coven, he had a mystical experience meeting the mother Mary and Jesus lead...
Oct 8th, 2018
Has the world (and life in general) been finger-stirring your lemonade lately? We interview Brandon about his latest book “Beauty in the Wreckage: Finding Peace in the Age of Outrage” and discuss the meaning of Shalom. It’s not a 10-step self-help book, and neither is this podcast, but we hope it helps! Get “Beauty ...
Oct 1st, 2018
Jason says 5 years ago he would have considered himself today not a Christian for using musical instruments in worship. Alex says he’s been denounced for not using a KJV and then again for not using a NKJV. So What is it? Are we still Christians? We don’t even know anymore but we’re going to try and answer it.Support...
Sep 24th, 2018
“God didn’t leave us a manual he left us Emmanuel.” Author Keith Giles returns to talk about his new book Jesus Unbound: Liberating the Word of God from the Bible. Buy Keith’s book - Jesus Unbound http://a.co/d/cpvvF6sSupport us on Patreon! | www.patreon.com/nyppTwitter | @NYPastors #NYPPulpitFacebook | @NotYourP...
Sep 13th, 2018
What did we do over the summer? Well, well, well, listen and find out! We also discuss sabbaticals and if/how often pastors should take them. Sabbaticals seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised by the outcry. Support us on Patreon! | www.patreon.com/nyppTwitter | @NYPastors #NYPPulpitFacebook | @NotYourPasto...
Jul 28th, 2018
We're on sabpodical but here's a long talk on racism with our friend Justin, who has a black and a white parent and has experience racism on all sides. We hope you enjoy his story and our shallow dive into deep topics. Regular, weekly episodes will resume in September, Lord willing!Twitter | @NYPastorsFacebook | @...
May 14th, 2018
We quit giving to the church, and here is what happened.
Apr 20th, 2018
Jonathan Leeman is the editorial director at 9Marks, a ministry that helps church leaders build healthy churches. He teaches theology at several seminaries and has written a number of books on the church. He is also a research fellow with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. He has degrees in political science ...
Apr 18th, 2018
From Phil,I don't have much in the way of a bio, except that I'm a yooper from Marquette, MI, I write at thephilbritton.com, and you can find me on twitter @thephilbrittonNot Your Pastor's Pulpit is a collection of raw, honest, sermons and stories from you the listener intended to broaden our picture of Jesus. If yo...
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