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Quantized Ramblings

Chetan Pandey

Quantized Ramblings

A Science and Physics podcast

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Quantized Ramblings

Chetan Pandey

Quantized Ramblings

Quantized Ramblings

Chetan Pandey

Quantized Ramblings

A Science and Physics podcast
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Feb 2nd, 2022
Chetan begins by reviewing the eikonal approximation, and factorization theorems for amplitudes. Amartya then discusses this in context of quantum gravity, causality constraints and regge behaviour. This brings us to Vasiliev gravity the origins of string theory, and Chetan makes interesting remarks about string worlds...


Jan 22nd, 2022
Santhosh begins this episode with a discussion about transverse field Ising chains and dualities, anyon algebras, and systems with known spectra but unknown states. Amartya then talks about the relation between the emergence proposal in EFTs and the weak gravity conjecture, the graviton forward pole, and string theory ...


Jan 16th, 2022
We reunite in person after nearly 2 years. Chetan begins this episode with a discussion about Witten's recent work on the deep connection between gauge-gravity amplitudes and geometry in twistor space, and how this suggests a more fundamental language underlying gauge theories and gravity; with many sacred principles o...


May 14th, 2021
In this episode, we begin by reviewing the weak gravity conjecture. We then discuss such "swampland conjectures" from the EFT perspective- in the form of positivity bounds, and discuss in detail the UV completion of dimension 6 operators. We then discuss Witten's classic work on the ADM mass positivity; seeing how all ...


May 6th, 2021
In this episode, we discuss aspects of hermiticity and unitarity, in the context of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians. Then, we take a detour towards discussing the fascinating story of neutrinos in the standard model, the big problem of neutrino masses, and the hierarchy problem; and reminisce about the good ol' days.


May 1st, 2021
In this episode, we discuss what has our experience doing physics been so far-how it's different from what we thought it'd be, what lies ahead. We express (some very strongly) our thoughts about the general nature of the academic institution, what we think its shortcomings are, and what we think its future looks like. ...


Apr 25th, 2021
In this episode, our friend and today's guest on the podcast, Rohan Maniar, talks about his area of research- 2D magnetic systems. We discuss long-range order in 2D systems and the Mermin-Wagner theorem. We then ramble about stochastic thermodynamics, concluding with brief insights from quantum field theory and the sub...


Apr 19th, 2021
We start by briefly discussing axions and inflation. Amartya then rambles about the structure of vacua in compactified theories. Chetan discusses an interesting relationship between moduli stabilization and compactification. We then finally move onto actually relevant things like Santhosh's literary excursions, Spotify...


Apr 9th, 2021
In this episode, we discuss ideas of integrability in physics, ranging from classical mechanics to classical and quantum field theories. Amartya discusses some ideas about positivity bounds and the swampland, and with a brief existential discussion about the future, we wrap up.


Apr 2nd, 2021
In this episode, Santhosh describes some features of 1D interacting systems, exploring Bethe ansatz, parafermions, dualities, etc. and Amartya rambles about unitarity bounds, 'ghosts', etc;  distinguishing 'healthy' field theories from those in the "swampland".


Oct 11th, 2020
In this episode, Amartya rambles about an interesting idea of studying inflationary correlators, and we discuss the unreasonable effectiveness of physics in math.


Sep 4th, 2020
In this episode, we discuss the consequences of having a "time" operator in physical theories and ramble about related ideas.


Aug 15th, 2020
In this episode, we have our first guest, our good friend Gautam, who rambles about cool stuff from granular gases to superfluids.


Jul 29th, 2020
In this episode, we talk about an idea central to both condensed matter and particle physics-spontaneous symmetry breaking. Starting from the instructive example of a ferromagnet, we move to the famous Higgs mechanism in the context of gauge theories. We discuss the question of why the Higgs is so light, how the same p...


Jul 21st, 2020
In this episode, we discuss the idea of time in physics, inspired by the concept in the movie, Arrival. We ramble about general covariance in relativity, choosing space-like hypersurfaces in cosmology, the metric signature and how despite its supposed arbitrariness, the time co-ordinate stands out. 


Jul 13th, 2020
In this episode, we discuss the interesting ideas of spontaneous compactification of higher dimensions in theories like string theory, the Kaluza-Klein picture, etc. We then ramble about aspects of bulk-boundary correspondence and topological invariants in condensed matter physics.


Jul 9th, 2020
In this episode, we discuss the million dollar question- how did the universe begin? Why does it expand? How does large scale structure form? Listen to us ramble about the big bang, inflationary cosmology, dark matter, and other fascinating ideas. Stuff that popular science shows are made of.


Jun 29th, 2020
In this episode, we discuss various ideas to understand what "temperature" is. Usually a statistical parameter describing equilibrium systems, we try to look for a more general description, which leads to a discussion of black holes and quantum field theory.  


Jun 20th, 2020
In this episode, we (Chetan, Amartya, and Santhosh) discuss some random ideas about quantum field theories, which range from hidden structures/symmetries, RG flows, anomalies to ideas about condensed matter physics.


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