This is a chapter from my book False Christ, Will The Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah available on Amazon and Audible. This book was originally written by me Chris White in 2014, but the audiobook has been digitally remastered and is being released for free on a week by week basis on this … Continue reading ... more
"The absolute key thing which God needs from the Church is a commitment to the Word of God."—Rev Phill SacreWe are joined once again by Rev Phill Sacre—an ordained minister (Church of England), housechurch leader, and blogger on Substack—for a conversation on "Plausibility Structures and the Church."Our conversatio... more
This is a chapter from my book False Christ, Will The Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah available on Amazon and Audible. This book was originally written by me Chris White in 2014, but the audiobook has been digitally remastered and is being released for free on a week by week basis on this … Continue reading ... more
This is a chapter from my book False Christ, Will The Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah available on Amazon and Audible. This book was originally written by me Chris White in 2014, but the audiobook has been digitally remastered and is being released for free on a week by week basis on this … Continue reading ... more
This is a chapter from my book False Christ, Will The Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah available on Amazon and Audible. This book was originally written by me Chris White in 2014, but the audiobook has been digitally remastered and is being released for free on a week by week basis on this … Continue reading ... more
This is a chapter from my book False Christ, Will The Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah available on Amazon and Audible. This book was originally written by me Chris White in 2014, but the audiobook has been digitally remastered and is being released for free on a week by week basis on this … Continue reading "... more
When will Sir Keir get his sausages back? Is it safe for an asparamancer to eat a 74-year-old omelette? Does Tom Hanks have eight legs or six? And will Frank Johnson raise enough cash through this evening's kickstarter to fund his research project to obtain superpowers by microwaving spiders from around the world?The... more
In this episode, I talk about what I’ve been up to the last few months. I talk about some theology, geopolitics, Bible prophecy, as well as some health conspiracies like vaccines and MTHFR. It’s a good time. Why don’t you just download it?
Chris White, in this 6th edisode of his study on the war of Gog and Magog, dives into the context of the passage with an attempt to discover what can be known about the people and political situation during the war.
Chris White, in this 5th instalment of his Gog Magog War study, deals with the theory that the Gog-Magog war is to be equated with the battle of Armageddon.
"Our lives are woven together in a fabric, but the connections that make society strong also make it vulnerable."—Threads (1984)For the 18th TMR Movie Roundtable we welcome back our good friends Antony Rotunno, Frank Johnson and Mark Campbell for another of our four-way discussions, this time on the disturbing (becau... more
Chris White does a deep dive into which nations are said to come against Jerusalem in the Gog Magog War. This is a continuing study by Chris on the subject of Gog and Magog.
Chris White continues a study about the “Gog Magog” war in Ezekiel 38-39. In this podcast he talks about the context of Ezekiel 38 and 39 by studying the chapters that ledup to it in the book of Ezekiel. Click here to see this study in video form.Chris White’s website:
Chris White starts a new study about the “Gog Magog” war in Ezekiel 38-39. He begins by talking about a passage in Revelation 20. Click here to see this study in video form. Chris White’s website:
Rebroadcast: Chris White concludes his eleven-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week of Daniel. This final episode in the series considers the Battle of Armageddon, centered on two questions: Chris begins with Daniel 12:11 and discusses the timing of the 70th week as a whole, and how the final batt... more
Rebroadcast: Chris White continues his multi-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week of Daniel. This next-to-last installment in Chris’ series focuses on three events surrounding the Rapture: This special 2-hour presentation is from the audio portion of the film produced by Chris titled, “Seven Pret... more
Rebroadcast: Chris White continues his multi-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week of Daniel. This episode focuses on the apostasy as it occurs just after the Abomination of Desolation at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, and as it is associated with the Antichrist’s revelation. Chris discusses ... more
Rebroadcast: Chris White begins our week continuing his multi-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week, and today focuses on the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13. Now at the midpoint of the timeline, we arrive at the moment when the Antichrist demands that the world worship him. It in … Continue re... more
Rebroadcast: Chris White continues his multi-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week. This episode focuses on three points on Daniel’s 70th week timeline: the Abomination of Desolation, Antichrist Worship and the Great Tribulation. Beyond the timing of the events themselves, Chris offers an interpre... more
Rebroadcast: Chris White continues his multi-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week. This episode focuses on the seeming resurrection of the Antichrist. Chris discusses the timing of this event and the notion that the Antichrist is “raised from the dead”, along with the strong delusion sent by God ... more
At long last, here is Part Two* of our latest conversation with UK evangelist Vince McCann—host of the Chenzo1969 YouTube channel—on his long-time ministry of speaking with Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons (and others) on the streets of UK towns and cities in the prayerful hope of reaching people for Christ.Drawing up... more
Rebroadcast: Chris White continues his multi-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week. This episode focuses on “palatial tents”, a term found in Daniel 11:45. Chris reiterates that the chapter break between Daniel chapters 11 and 12 are confusing, and interrupt the narrative explaining the flow of h... more
Rebroadcast: Chris White continues his multi-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week. This episode focuses on the wars of the Antichrist, occuring just after the Temple sacrifices start and prior the palatial tents being set up. According to Revelation 13:4, the Antichrist has substantive war-making... more