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    พอดแคสต์ที่ควรจะเสวนาเรื่องสถาปัตย์ 🏛 ตึกรามบ้านช่องก็ว่าไป แต่ทำไปทำมาดันลามไปอะไรเยอะแยะนักก็ไม่รู้ ทั้งเศรษฐกิจ วัฒนธรรม สังคม เทคโนโลยี ประวัติศาสตร์ ฯลฯ หยิบมาเล่าด้วยมุมมองจากสถาปนิกและคณะพบกันทุกวันเสาร์จ้ะ 💜 / พูดคุยกับเราได้ที่ทวิตเตอร์ @saosaosaona twitter.com/saosaosaonaติดตาม สามโคกเรดิโอ👌🏼 ได้ที่ 💬 twitter.com/samcokeradio 📓 fb.me/samcokeradio 📸 instagram.com/samcokeradio 🎥 youtube.com/samcokeradio




    0 Ratings

    Spotify for Creators



    Retired music executive Joe Smith interviews celebrated singers, musicians and industry icons.


    Library of Congress


    0 Ratings




    Humanitas is a series of Visiting Professorships at Oxford and Cambridge intended to bring leading practitioners and scholars to both universities to address major themes in the arts, social sciences and humanities. Created by Lord Weidenfeld, the Programme is managed and funded by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue with the support of a series of generous benefactors and administered by the Humanities Division in Oxford and the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) in Cambridge.Humanitas will welcome some twenty Visiting Professors, who will be appointed for a given academic year and invited to deliver a series of lectures, followed by a related symposium, workshop or masterclass for graduate students.


    Oxford University


    0 Ratings




    Welcome to the 2024 Stevie® Award-winning Design-Build Delivers, the podcast dedicated to exploring design-build, the fastest-growing project delivery method in the nation. Presented by the Design-Build Institute of America, episodes feature stories and discussions with industry experts, Owners and successful design-build teams aimed at helping professionals achieve Design-Build Done Right®. With design-build projected to reach nearly half of all construction spending by 2026, listen in as we uncover the latest insights –– including best practices, resources, trends, timely issues, technology, case studies and more –– driving the future of construction.




    0 Ratings



    Building or renovating a home can be a daunting journey, filled with unexpected twists and turns. As a homeowner, you have a crucial role to play, but knowing exactly what that is can be challenging. Australian Build Stories is here to guide you through every step. Join host Sam Payne as he chats with real people who share their experiences, from their triumphs to their challenges. Discover practical advice, relatable stories, and a fresh perspective on creating your right home.


    Sam Payne


    1 Rating




    Series of podcasts examining what we mean by 'Cultural Heritage', how the idea of it is transformed by society and indeed transforms society around it and Oxford's contribution to Cultural Heritage

    Itunes UHistoryArt

    Oxford University


    0 Ratings




    Hi! I'm Eldin and this is a chronological history of art told by a painter/art historian. You're on the right place if you like art, art history, and if you are curious about the artistic processes.

    ArtsVisual ArtsLiterature

    The Immortal Art Podcast


    0 Ratings

    Spotify for Creators



    Charla informal sobre arquitectura. Pretendemos un podcast divulgativo, con el objetivo de acercar la arquitectura a cualquiera que se interese mínimamente por el tema


    Juan Ortiz Delgado


    0 Ratings



    Mansfield College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford. Our membership comprises approximately 50 academic staff, 220 undergraduates, 50 graduates and 35 visiting students. This small size engenders friendly and close relationships not only amongst undergraduates, but also between Junior (undergraduate), Middle (graduate) and Senior (tutors) Common Rooms.

    Itunes ULawPolitics

    Oxford University


    0 Ratings




    For more on the National Portrait Gallery, see http://npg.si.edu . And see the museum's blog at: http://face2face.si.edu

    Itunes UArtArchitecture

    Ben Bloom


    0 Ratings




    Itunes UBusinessHealth



    0 Ratings




    Women Build is a new podcast, brought to you by World Architecture News. We know there are inspirational women in the global architecture arena, operating at all levels in the industry.This podcast will give a voice to women in architecture, letting them speak out about the issues they face and compare experiences to decipher what changes can be made to improve women’s working environments.We will also be championing those who are, and want to improve diversity within the industry, and discuss possible reasons why it's lacking at the moment.This series is running alongside the Female Frontiers: Powered by WAN Awards. They will champion best practice, support new and established talent and celebrate the firms who are supporting women in their roles. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


    Nav Pal

    0 Ratings




    Chagall meurt en 1985, presque centenaire. Il a traversé le XXe siècle, connu une révolution, deux guerres et l'exil. Autant d'expériences qui sont venues renouveler son approche artistique, se conjuguant aux grands thèmes fondateurs qu'il revisite inlassablement : sa ville natale de Vitebsk, la tradition juive, la Bible, le couple, la famille et le cirque.




    0 Ratings




    Bajo el lema “Leer te transforma”, este programa busca promover el desarrollo de una gran comunidad de jóvenes lectores, así como el fomentar que nuestros graduados hayan leído grandes obras literarias y adquirido pasión por la lectura. Para lograr estos objetivos, se han planeado varias actividades en todos nuestros campus, y a través de un consenso con nuestros profesores se han seleccionado 100 títulos para recomendar a nuestra comunidad educativa, de los cuales, te presentamos algunas reseñas en esta sección a manera de podcasts. Te invitamos a ser parte de este programa, y a vivir tu pasión por la lectura.

    Itunes ULiteratureArt



    0 Ratings




    La Scuola di Dottorato in Storia, Orientalistica e Storia delle Arti ha lo scopo di promuovere, organizzare e gestire le attività di formazione avanzata nei settori scientifici della Storia (Antica, Medievale, Moderna e Contemporanea) e delle Scienze del Libro e del Documento scritto, dell’Orientalistica (Orientalistica: Egitto, Vicino e Medio Oriente) e della Storia delle arti visive e dello spettacolo presentando particolare attenzione alle attività interdisciplinari, allo scopo di formare e addestrare ricercatori di alta qualificazione scientifica nei suddetti ambiti tematici.

    Itunes UHistoryArchitecture

    Università di Pisa-Laboratorio di Cultura Digitale


    0 Ratings




    Itunes UBusinessHealth



    0 Ratings




    Bilişim Güvenliği, Yazılım Teknolojileri ve 3D Mimari Görselleştirme konularında Hakan Özerdem ile söyleşiler.

    EducationInformation TechnologyArchitecture



    0 Ratings

    Spotify for Creators



    This album contains selected audio and video tracks from recent performances by the UC Davis Symphony Orchestra & University Chorus, the campus's top student ensembles, featuring student and professional guests.

    Itunes UArtArchitecture

    Department of Music


    0 Ratings




    This podcast presents events hosted by The Ohio State University’s Humanities Institute’s Digital Arts and Humanities Working Group (DAH WG). DAH WG provides a venue for building a sustained digital arts and humanities network on campus. Ohio State supports ground-breaking work in the digital arts and humanities, but the University’s success in this area depends on building support systems that include a more robust infrastructure for developing and hosting digital humanities projects and a richer culture of collaboration and curation for that work. That culture must bring together librarians, IT professionals, and faculty, who, on such a large campus, often are simply unaware of potential resources and collaborators. As one of the OSU Humanities Institute's Working Groups, we sponsor workshops, panel discussions by members of the OSU community, and presentations by guest speakers. Programming organized by the working group focuses on areas in which there is already interest or expertise on campus, including mapping/visualization, digitally-enhanced pedagogy, digital archives, electronic textual editing, and game-based learning. The Working Group also functions as an 'incubator' for an ongoing digital arts and humanities community or network at OSU. This community will facilitate collaboration and sharing of expertise, and may have a role in recommending infrastructure for supporting research and teaching. For more information about the Digital Arts and Humanities Working Group, please visit our website: go.osu.edu/dah.

    Itunes UArtArchitecture

    The Ohio State University


    0 Ratings




    Quarks und Co ist das Wissenschaftsmagazin des WDR Fernsehens und einer der beliebtesten TV-Podcasts. Jede Woche ein Thema, in 45 Minuten gruendlich und verstanndlich erklaert. Mit hochwertigen Filmen und Grafiken und spannenden Experimenten, praesentiert von Ranga Yogeshwar. Immer dienstags um 21 Uhr im WDR Fernsehen.

    Itunes UScienceHealth

    Westdeutscher Rundfunk


    0 Ratings




    Podcasts of lectures and seminars held at the Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford.

    Itunes UHistoryLaw

    Oxford University


    0 Ratings




    In recognition of Women's History Month, the Academy of Achievement presents a selection of extraordinary women who have defied expectations,broken boundaries, and made history around the world. They include courageous political leaders and human rights activists, recipients of the NobelPrize for Literature and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, award-winning actresses, musicians, screenwriters and film directors, as well as outstandingathletes, educators, journalists, explorers, physicians, philanthropists, broadcasters and entrepreneurs. Their words and their example are an inspiration to us all.Note: Additional Women in Entertainment tracks are available in Audio only and a subset are available in HD video. Select Audio or HD from the menu on the left to visit the other formats.

    Itunes UArtArchitecture

    None Found


    0 Ratings




    World Build: powered by World Architecture News. Tackling the key topics and challenges that need to be talked about in the global architecture and design communities. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


    Nav Pal

    0 Ratings




    In dem Audiocast "Tonspur Forschung" ist die bekannte Podcasterin Annik Rubens an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München spannenden Forschungsfragen auf der Spur. In der ersten Staffel hat Annik Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus den verschiedensten Fachbereichen besucht und in Gesprächen und Interviews einzigartige Einblicke in die Forschungsschwerpunkte an der LMU gewonnen. In der zweiten Staffel hat sie aktuelle Fragen aus der Wissenschaft mit Hilfe von Expertinnen und Experten beantwortet. Die Ergebnisse ihrer Erkundungen gibt es hier zum Nachhören.

    Itunes UScienceHealth

    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


    0 Ratings




    Artisti di fama internazionale protagonisti all’interno di diversi spazi della città per dare vita a una serie di iniziative che coinvolgono personalità del campo dell’arte, narratori e uomini di cultura italiani e bosniaci. Reggio Emilia 21 febbraio - 5 aprile 2009 [File video in formato MP4]

    Itunes UArtArchitecture

    None Found


    0 Ratings




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