இராவணன் உண்மை வரலாறு. இது கதை அல்ல. காவியம். இந்த காவியத்தின் தலைவன் இராவணன். இராவணன் மகள் சீதையா!!! ...இராவணன் மனைவி யார்??? ...இராவணன் உடல் பாதுகாக்கப்படும் இடம் எங்கே??? ...அகழ்வாராய்ச்சி சொல்லும் உண்மை என்ன????
(Content warning: mention of racism) Is the UK a racist country? How does moving abroad at a young age affect one's identity? In this episode, I got talking to Valentia, a Ghanaian student at the University of Sheffield, who was present for my first talk there in March. Like me, Valentia moved to the UK at a very young...
Eles revolucionaram a toada na década de 90 e 27 anos depois ainda resistem como a banda de maior sucesso que o boi-bumbá tem. Alex Pontes e Mailzon Mendes do Canto da mata são nossos convidados especiais neste episódio com histórias que atravessam gerações.
On May 12, 2022, authorities announced that the remains of Brittanee Drexel have been found and that her alleged killer has been arrested. Here is her story.Sources include:https://www.myhorrynews.com/news/crime/waiting-for-brittanee-drexel-mother-thinks-missing-daughter-was-trafficked/article_1fcd7134-0055-11e4-b1...
Quand on a rencontré Olivier, il jouait dans un spectacle qui porte son nom : «La vraie vie d’Olivier Liron ». Ensuite, on a lu son roman « Einstein, le sexe et moi ». Les deux œuvres sont des fictions autobiographiques qui questionnent notamment son rapport à sa propre mémoire : comme...
4 stycznia w bibliotece w Rynku odbyło się pierwsze noworoczne spotkanie w ramach Klubu Podróżnika zorganizowane wspólnie z Towarzystwem Oświatowym Ziemi Dzierżoniowskiej. Prelegentką po raz kolejny była Maria Tyws, która opowiedziała licznie zgromadzonym słuchaczom o Sycylii.
Mario has really opened my eyes onto what the importance of this podcast is. I want it to be a vessel for Black men to share their experiences with, and use this podcast to share their stories with anyone who feels led to listening to them. The main thing I learned about Mario is he doesn’t let outside factors determin...