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Aimon Bebendorf

Aimon Bebendorf

Host, Editor & Producer of Meta Minds
Aimon Bebendorf

Aimon Bebendorf

Aimon Bebendorf

Aimon Bebendorf

Host, Editor & Producer of Meta Minds
Nomia is a multi-faceted artist project with over 6 years of industry experience in Directing, Videography, Music Production and Sound Recording/Design.Nomia Media's videography diversifies between real estate, corporate storytelling, music videos, night club videography and artist development social media campaigns.Originally beginning as a musical alter ego, reversing the name of its creator; Aimon, Nomia has held several club residencies in Brisbane's thriving bass scene and performed both interstate and internationally under the management of Don't Mind Us Records. ​Nomia produces under several aliases and is the founder of the global music collective Cozy Boys. Since graduating from Griffith University's Film school in 2014, Nomia's Creative Director Aimon B., has sound recorded and designed 4 short films and is currently working on a feature film.Nomia Media is renowned for delivering an efficient, effective and easy service which takes media engagement to the next level.
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Creator Details

Sep 18th, 1994
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
2d, 18h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 688500
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