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Alex Weinle

Alex Weinle

Alex Weinle

Alex Weinle

Alex Weinle

Alex Weinle

Alex Weinle is a writer. Weinle's work has been appeared in academic anthologies and science fiction magazines. His first boo, the collection "The Decapaphiliac: Or, Love in the time of Cappuccinos," was published in 2012. He wrote the graphic novel "The Boatman," which was published in 2013.His collection of short stories The Decapaphiliac tells seven stories about humans and compassion from the depths of hospital wards, corner shops, dusty libraries, corporate interviews and coffee shops.Alex blends science, philosophy, history and literature for which his life of physics, travel and business, in lands foreign and domestic, have prepared him poorly.
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Creator Details

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
16h, 31m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 049022
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