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Ariel Ruiz Soto

Ariel Ruiz Soto

Ariel Giovanni Ruiz Soto is a Policy Analyst. Currently, he works with the U.S. Immigration Policy Program and the Latin America and Caribbean Initiative at the Migration Policy Institute.Ruiz Soto's research focuses on migration policies in the countries between Panama and Canada, and their intended and unintended consequences for foreign- and native-born populations. He also analyzes demographic trends across the region and methodological approaches to estimate the unauthorized immigrant population in the United States.Ruiz Soto received his B.A. in Sociology from Whitman College and his M.A. in Sociology from the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration.
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Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
4h, 31m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 617752
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