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Bruce Lieberthal

Bruce Lieberthal

Bruce serves as the Chief Innovation Officer for Henry Schein, Inc.In this role, he is at the nexus of evaluating hundreds of cutting-edge solutions and technologies, advising the many medical and dental business units of Henry Schein on important emerging trends and helping connect the company’s global sales, marketing and distribution capabilities with important new products that help its customers run better practices and deliver excellent patient care. Previously, from 2009 until 2015, he was the Vice President, Emerging Technologies for Henry Schein, Inc., reporting to the president of Henry Schein’s Global Practice Solutions Group. Bruce currently leads Henry Schein One’s DDX business. He led the ConnectDental team, focused on the launch of Henry Schein’s digital dentistry business, for two years and worked closely with the Corporate Business Development Group advising on technology opportunities. He started, at Henry Schein, as the Director of Product Management to the leadership team in Utah when Discus Dental Software was acquired by Henry Schein, Inc. in May 2007 and was promoted, in 2008, to Vice-President of Product Management and Development, managing all of Henry Schein Practice Solutions’ software lines and development teams. Bruce was the founder of Direct Vision Software, the General Manager of Discus Dental Software and has been a leader in dental technology for almost 35 years. He graduated SUNY Buffalo’s School of Dentistry in 1983, practiced dentistry for 14 years between 1984 and 1997, and brings much knowledge to the Henry Schein team.
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Episode Count
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4h, 1m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 375055
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Bruce Lieberthal's Creator Profile

This is a podcast creator profile for Bruce Lieberthal. This page showcases all of Bruce Lieberthal's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Bruce Lieberthal's new podcast credits.

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