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Cherie Johnson

Cherie Johnson

Cherie JohnsonCherie Johnson
Cherie Johnson

Cherie Johnson

Cherie Johnson

Cherie Johnson

Cherie Johnson (born November 21, 1975) is an American actress, writer and film producer and author. She is known for her roles on Punky Brewster (as Punky's best friend Cherie) and the long-running ABC/CBS sitcom Family Matters, where she played Laura Winslow's best friend Maxine Johnson for eight seasons (1990–98).In 2009, she wrote, starred and produced the independent film I Do... I Did!, playing Vivian. Johnson has so far produced eight films. In 2010, she made writer debut when she released her book Around The World Twice. In 2011, she released her second, writing Two Different Walks Of Life A Celebrity and Average Housewife. Her third novel Peaches & Cream is available. Her book Stupid Guys Diary was released in August 2013.
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Creator Details

Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
6d, 5h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 225119
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