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Daniel Krynzel

Daniel Krynzel

Daniel Krynzel

Daniel Krynzel

Daniel Krynzel

Daniel Krynzel

In 2008, the real estate crash took Daniel out, and he lost everything. He turned to drinking and lost the house, the cars, the toys, the money, and worst of all, custody of his children. After he got sober, he jumped back into the mortgage business and had massive financial success. As a coach he trained realtors on lead generation and sales. And yet, even after he had achieved all his goals and had all the money he wanted, he was still unfulfilled. He felt empty.This is when God stepped in. He told Daniel that his purpose was much bigger than what we were doing and that if he had the courage to listen to his direct guidance, he would be massively emotionally fulfilled and finally be living his true calling. This is where Godspeed with Daniel was born. Now Daniel lives a life of true fulfillment that most men could only dream of. Not only having the money, body, and health, and the love of his life, but also waking up every day to talk with God and live his true purpose.
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Creator Details

Total Airtime
1h, 26m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 466706
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This is a podcast creator profile for Daniel Krynzel. This page showcases all of Daniel Krynzel's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Daniel Krynzel's new podcast credits.

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