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Emily Silverman

Emily Silverman

Host, Founder & Announcer on The Nocturnists
Emily Silverman

Emily Silverman

Emily Silverman

Emily Silverman

Host, Founder & Announcer on The Nocturnists
Dr. Emily Silverman is an internist at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Assistant Professor of Medicine at UCSF. She is interested in using storytelling to unearth complex truths about doctoring, build community, and facilitate an environment of acceptance and healing. Her writing has been supported by MacDowell and published in The New York Times, JAMA, McSweeneys, and The Examined Life Journal. In her spare time she enjoys teaching herself guitar, and going for long walks with a podcast in her ears.
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Creator Details

San Francisco, California, United States of America
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
5d, 15h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 746027
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This is a podcast creator profile for Emily Silverman. This page showcases all of Emily Silverman's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Emily Silverman's new podcast credits.

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