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Eve Toomey

Eve Toomey

Host, Editor & Producer of The Right Side of 40
Eve Toomey

Eve Toomey

Eve Toomey

Eve Toomey

Host, Editor & Producer of The Right Side of 40
Eve’s long career began in Canada before moving to London to study for a Masters degree. Feeling at home in the UK, Eve stayed and climbed the career ladder in publishing, advertising and media. Luckily there was a revolution happening in the content-creation industries as they moved from analogue to digital. There was no better training ground to learn how to manage and anticipate business process change which has become her professional niche. Eve has worked in London, Seattle, Paris and Montreal. Family life had to fit around full-time work which included lots of business travel over the years. Support from her full-time house-husband made it all possible. It’s only a couple of years until their nest is empty and a new phase of life and work begins; the shift is already underway.These days, when not podcasting or walking the dog, Eve can be found at her consulting practice helping companies get more efficient in how they operate today and get them to their long-term strategic business goals tomorrow.
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Creator Details

Aug 31st, 1968
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom
Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
1d, 13m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 172476
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