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Glen Wright Colopy

Glen Wright Colopy

Glen Wright Colopy

Glen Wright Colopy

Glen Wright Colopy

Glen Wright Colopy

Glen is a machine learning scientist who has worked in the healthcare, biomedical, and pharmaceutical industries since 2010. He joined industry full-time in 2018 after graduating from the Computational Health Informatics Lab (CHI) at the Oxford Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME).He primarily works on time-series data modeling for automated monitoring and anomaly/outlier detection for large continuous data streams. His research interests include Bayesian nonparametrics for personalized medical modeling and anomaly detection, the robust automation of statistical inference, and the experimental design of machine learning-based clinical trials.Outside of work he is active in several professional societies, including the American Statistical Association (ASA), the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE). Outside of nerd-work, he volunteers for his family’s non-profit, which organizes about 30 events per year to help other non-profits raise money for their charitable causes.
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Creator Details

Cary, North Carolina, United States of America
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
3d, 2h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 320372
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