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Harry Musselwhite

Harry Musselwhite

Voice Actor on Frijoles Y Arroz
Harry Musselwhite

Harry Musselwhite

Harry Musselwhite

Harry Musselwhite

Voice Actor on Frijoles Y Arroz
Harry Musselwhite as Al Bovine. Bovine is a Grizzly bear of a man. As affable as a beagle in heat and every bit as loud.Harry has enjoyed a major professional career in the areas of music, theatre, film, television, and teaching. From three appearances at Carnegie Hall, the great cathedrals of Europe, to CBS-Television, he brings a focus, immaculate preparation, and a joyous spirit to any artistic endeavor he elects to deliver. Known for his powerful bass voice, Musselwhite has performed in settings such as Wells Cathedral, The London Virtuosi, Theatre West Virginia, Asheville Lyric Opera, and many, many, more.
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Episode Count
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Total Airtime
1h, 1m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 485438
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