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Husam Zomlot

Husam Zomlot

Husam ZomlotHusam Zomlot
Husam Zomlot

Husam Zomlot

Palestinian diplomat, academic and economist. He was appointed Head of the Palestinian Mission to the United Kingdom in October 2018. Before coming to the UK, he served as head of the PLO mission to the United States that was closed by the administration of President Donald Trump. Zomlot is a senior member of Fatah, the main Palestinian political movement, and a strategic advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. He previously served as director of Fatah's commission for foreign relations. Before entering politics, Zomlot was a professor of Public policy at Birzeit University. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University in the US and an instructor at the University of London. He also worked as an economist with United Nations Special Coordinator's Office in Palestine.
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Creator Details

Ramallah, West Bank, Palestinian Territory
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
6h, 38m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 990015
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