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John Nemo

John Nemo

Host & Editor of Nemo Radio
John Nemo

John Nemo

John Nemo

John Nemo

Host & Editor of Nemo Radio
John Nemo is a bestselling LinkedIn Author & Trainer who has been featured by LinkedIn's official marketing blog, Social Media Examiner, Entrepreneur on Fire, Inc. Magazine, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, American City Business Journals and many others.John has personally rewritten the LinkedIn profiles of Chris Brogan, John Lee Dumas, Mari Smith, Dan Miller, Ray Edwards, Tom Ziglar (son of Zig Ziglar), Jairek Robbins (son of Tony Robbins) and many other A-List business names and entrepreneurs.The author of 8 books, John is a former Associated Press Reporter, Talk Radio Producer & On-Air Talent, Award-Winning PR Director and Social Media Consultant based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.He is currently the CEO of Nemo Media Group, a "Done For You" LinkedIn Lead Generation Agency based in Minneapolis.
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Creator Details

Mar 28th, 1975
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
1w, 3d
Podchaser Creator ID logo 505626
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