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Julia Amdt

Julia Amdt

Creator Profile
Julia Amdt

Julia Amdt

Julia Amdt

Julia Amdt

Creator Profile
Julia Arndt is the founder of the Peak Performance Method, a unique model combining critical productivity, mindfulness and leadership tools to help forward thinking individuals and organizations develop the next workplace superpower through scalable programs. Julia is a stress management trainer and sought-after international speaker.Julia originally hails from Germany, has lived in 5 countries over the last 14 years and speaks three languages fluently. After working at Google in Silicon Valley for seven and a half years while the company grew from 30K to 100K employees, Julia has been running her own consulting and coaching business, helping over 5K employees at innovative companies more understand the effects of stress on the body and the mind, move beyond burnout and build a mindful lifestyle that delivers focus, high energy and productivity.
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San Francisco, California, United States of America
Podchaser Creator ID logo 104064
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This is a podcast creator profile for Julia Amdt. This page showcases all of Julia Amdt's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Julia Amdt's new podcast credits.

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