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Kevin Luiz

Kevin Luiz

Host, Producer & Editor of Video Marketing Creativity Un…
Kevin Luiz

Kevin Luiz

Kevin Luiz

Kevin Luiz

Host, Producer & Editor of Video Marketing Creativity Un…
Servicing the commercial, corporate, and narrative sector for over fifteen years, Kevin continues to forge products that bridge the gap between purpose built utility, and creative video content. Kevin graduated Columbia College Chicago in 2008 with a major in directing, and a minor in writing. He has since gone on to work on a number of industry leading films as a props assistant, and has traveled the world as the head of video for a guided tour company. His most notable achievements have come from the creation of his own digital agency "Capion Studio" in late 2012. With a primary focus on cinematography & editing, Kevin's passion for creative video content was fully realized. With a desire to pay it forward to fledgling content creators like himself, Kevin started the Creativity Unleashed Video Marketing Podcast so he may pass along some of the information he's been privileged to learn himself.
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Creator Details

Dartmouth, Massachusetts, United States of America
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
1h, 14m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 870878
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This is a podcast creator profile for Kevin Luiz. This page showcases all of Kevin Luiz's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Kevin Luiz's new podcast credits.

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