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Mara Wiles

Mara Wiles

Mara Wiles

Mara Wiles

Mara Wiles is a comedian, writer, and actress based in New York City. She incubated in Denver’s vibrant stand up scene, where she won best comic at the 2011 Laugh Tracks Comedy Festival and was named one of 2014’s 100 Colorado Creative by the Denver Westword. Since moving to Brooklyn, she’s quickly made an impression on the local scene as a performer whose presence is arresting and energy is infectious. Her material is inflected with a cerebral goofiness that has made her a sought-after act around New York, where she’s appeared at Littlefield, Union Hall, and UCB.
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Creator Details

Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
3d, 23h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 165439
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This is a podcast creator profile for Mara Wiles. This page showcases all of Mara Wiles' podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Mara Wiles' new podcast credits.

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