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Marco Ciappelli

Marco Ciappelli

Marco Ciappelli

Marco Ciappelli

Marco Ciappelli

Marco Ciappelli

Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine.comDr. in Political Science with a Specialization in Sociology of Communication at the University of Florence Cesare Alfieri, Marco’s career started in advertising in the mid-90s. He has since been consulting on branding and marketing strategies for companies of all sizes and across various industries. He has been living in Los Angeles since 2000.Marco started with traditional advertising and moved into digital branding and marketing in the early stages of the commercial internet. With the advent and evolution of Social Media and IoT, the jobs became much more exciting and interesting – not only for the new marketing opportunities that it created but also for the strong, direct impact that technology started to have on individuals, businesses, and society. With the clear sociological and psychological repercussions on our way of life and the inevitable connection with information security and data privacy, Marco realized that a platform to allow and drive conversations outside the realm of the traditional tech to tech talk was needed.His goal with ITSPmagazine is to educate by telling meaningful stories at the intersection of technology, cybersecurity, and society; and, when possible, to positively impact people’s lives and our society as a whole.
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Creator Details

Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
2mo, 5d
Podchaser Creator ID logo 102955
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