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Margaret Dunlap

Margaret Dunlap

Margaret Dunlap

Margaret Dunlap

Margaret Dunlap

Margaret Dunlap

Margaret Dunlap is a freelance writer for television, video games, and animation. She is best known as a writer, director, and co-executive producer of the television show adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries."Dunlap has written for "Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance," "The Middleman," "Eureka," "State of Decay 2," "Marvel Rising: Heart of Iron," "Black Panther’s Quest," and "Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures."Dunlap received her B.A. in French and Creative Writing from Bard College at Simon's Rock and her M.F.A. in Writing for the Screen and Television from the University of Southern California.
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Creator Details

Los Angeles, California, United States
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
1d, 3h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 700647
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This is a podcast creator profile for Margaret Dunlap. This page showcases all of Margaret Dunlap's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Margaret Dunlap's new podcast credits.

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