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PJ Vogt

PJ Vogt

PJ VogtPJ Vogt
PJ Vogt

PJ Vogt

PJ Vogt is the co-host of Reply All, along with Alex Goldman. Reply All is an award-winning podcast about some of the internet’s most fascinating stories with unexpected twists.Early on, PJ Vogt interned at This American Life, working alongside future Gimlet-founder Alex Blumberg. He so wanted the position, he actually lied on his application that he had already graduated college. In a lucky twist of fate, he landed the position and then dropped out of his senior year. After his internship, Vogt obtained a position as a contributor for WNYC’s On the Media, where he worked for five years. He and Alex Goldman piloted WNYC Studio’s TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read), a short podcast that featured stories about the unpredictable and even darker sides of the internet.In 2014, PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman left their stable positions at WNYC to join Blumberg’s newly founded Gimlet Media. Vogt and Goldman began co-hosting Gimlet Media’s second podcast, Reply All, through which they continued their journey through internet’s maze of “fun house” mirrors and longterm consequences. Vogt continues to work with Blumberg, who guest stars on recurring “Yes, Yes, No” internet trivia episodes. In addition, two episodes of Reply All have been featured on This American Life.Reply All is acclaimed by critics and received multiple awards. It was nominated twice (2015, 2016) for Shorty Awards for its dedicated social media presence such as a 48 hour marathon in which fans could call in ask ask the hosts anything they wanted. In 2016, Reply All was nominated for the Webby Award for Best Podcast and the Mixcloud Online Radio Awards for Best Online Talk Show in education. By 2017, The Independent featured Reply All in their “Twenty Podcasts that Will Make You Smarter.”In 2017, PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman shared the behind the scenes process of creating Reply All on Talks at Google. More recently, they delved into their co-hosting relationship on Live at Code 2019. In an interview with Brooklyn Magazine, Vogt shared the story of his career and what lead him to take a chance at Gimlet Media and Reply All. He has also been featured on NPR’s All Things Considered. Vogt has appeared many podcast episodes, including Gimlet Media’s first podcast, StartUp, and The Moment with Brian Koppelman. In order to avoid spamming unsuspecting social media users, Vogt hosts a separate instagram account dedicated to his poodle, Ralphie.
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Creator Details

Oct 14th, 1985
Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
1w, 1d
Podchaser Creator ID logo 544899
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