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Sam Manicom

Sam Manicom

Sam Manicom is a renowned adventure motorcyclist, author, and presenter. Born in the Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), he moved to England with his family at the age of ten. His early experiences in Africa instilled a deep-seated passion for exploration.At 16, Sam embarked on his first solo journey, cycling through Europe. This adventure was followed by extensive backpacking, hiking, cycling, and hitchhiking across various continents. In his early twenties, he undertook a three-year solo backpacking trip through Europe, India, and Australia.Seeking a new challenge, Sam learned to ride a motorcycle. Just three months later, he set off to traverse the length of Africa. What was intended as a one-year journey evolved into an eight-year, 200,000-mile expedition across 55 countries. His experiences are vividly recounted in his four books.
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Creator Details

Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
1d, 4h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 552423
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