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Sarah Lyall

Sarah Lyall

Sarah Lyall is a journalist best known for having been the London Correspondent for The New York Times for 18 years. Having returned to New York, she is now a NYT writer at large, covering sports, culture, media and international stories.Lyall's first book, The Anglo Files: A Field Guide to the British," was published in 2008.Lyall joined the New York Times in 1987 as a clerk in the Washington Bureau. She went on to become a reporter for the metro desk, then she covered book publishing for the culture section.Lyall received her B.A. in History from Yale University, where she was an editor at the Yale Daily News.
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Creator Details

Jan 1st, 1963
New York, New York, United States of America
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
12h, 30m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 360098
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