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Stephen Shafer

Stephen Shafer

Stephen Shafer

Stephen Shafer

During the 1990s, Stephen Shafer was the director of promotions, marketing, and production for Moon Ska Records, where he played a significant role in making the 1990s ska boom happen. Steve supervised the production of over 90 albums and produced nine compilations (including Skarmageddon, Spawn of Skarmageddon, and Skarmageddon III; Ska United: A Global Ska Sampler), which gave hundreds of Third Wave ska bands their first visibility on the national and international scenes. Steve handled album licensing deals with related labels in Europe, Japan, and South America; created and signed bands to the Ska Satellite budget imprint; and shot and directed the label's first music video for The Toasters ("2 Tone Army"), which premiered on MTV's 120 Minutes and was regularly aired on MTV and M2.In late 1999, Steve founded 7 Wonders of the World Music, the first digital download-only ska and reggae label, and sold digital music online two years before the iTunes store launched. Steve has been reviewing ska music, books, and films for his Duff Guide to Ska blog since 2008, and published his first book "The Duff Guide to 2 Tone" in 2020.
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Creator Details

Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
59m, 55s
Podchaser Creator ID logo 404803
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This is a podcast creator profile for Stephen Shafer. This page showcases all of Stephen Shafer's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Stephen Shafer's new podcast credits.

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