Steve Stewart is a professional Podcast Editor, runs the world's largest community of Podcast Editors, and co-founded the Podcast Editors Conference and Podcast Editors Academy.In 2010, Steve Stewart created a podcast to promote his financial coaching business. Then, in 2016, he started editing for his peers - which he quickly turned into a career.Today, Steve produces 20 episodes a week for podcasts like the Stacking Benjamins Show, Afford Anything, and Military Money Show.Using the experience from his own show, and all the behind-the-scenes work for his 20ish clients, Steve teaches others how to make better podcasts.On top of all that, Steve founded the Podcast Editors Club, with over 8,500 members, and co-founded the Podcast Editor Academy - which helps individuals build their own podcast services business. If you’re looking for help with your podcast, Steve is there to support!