Without an understanding of Business Agility it makes it difficult for organzations to adapt and change to the world around us.
In today's podcast we're going to be talking about Business Agility as a pivitol piece in our successes. We discuss the definition of Business Agility as found in this Wikipedia post, defined below, and how we can use this in our everyday life.
Business agility refers to rapid, continuous, and systematic evolutionary adaptation and entrepreneurial innovation directed at gaining and maintaining competitive advantage.[1] Business agility can be sustained by maintaining and adapting the goods and services offered to meet with customer demands, adjusting to the marketplace changes in a business environment, and taking advantage of available human resources.[2] In a business context, agility is the ability of an organization to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes in productive and cost-effective ways. An extension of this concept is the agile enterprise, which refers to an organization that uses key principles of complex adaptive systems and complexity science to achieve success.[3] Business agility is the outcome of organizational intelligence.
Thank you for listening,
Aaron and Moriah
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