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Andy and TJ Ingrassia


A Religion and Spirituality podcast

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Andy and TJ Ingrassia



Andy and TJ Ingrassia


A Religion and Spirituality podcast
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May 23rd, 2022
In this episode, we're joined by Emily McCarty, a doctoral student at St. Louis University studying Philosophy of Religion with an emphasis on the problem of evil. Her advisor is Eleonore Stump, one of the most well-respected Christian philosophers in the world today. So... she knows her stuff!
Jul 26th, 2021
Andy and TJ are joined once again by the inimitable Rachel Ferguson. Rachel threw down the gauntlet, suggesting that they read David Bentley Hart's book "Atheist Delusions", then have her on to discuss it. Challenge accepted!In addition to the book, they discuss secular morality, the possibility of separating Christian...
Jun 22nd, 2021
Andy and TJ are joined by Josh Hedlund, who was in the CHS class of 2006 with Andy. Josh pushes back on some of Andy's original Manifesto claims, they discuss the role that religious ideologies play in motivating humanity to not rape and pillage, and how most people are pretty stupid (present company excluded obviously...
Apr 22nd, 2021
Andy and TJ are joined by their first repeat guest, Sam Tunnell. They discuss a secular basis for morality, Sam Harris's "The Moral Landscape," and other topics.Other resources:Andy's main argument is based around Sam Harris' "The Moral Landscape." You can also watch Sam Harris's TED Talk on The Moral Landscape.Sam men...
Jan 19th, 2021
This is Part 2 of our conversation with Rachel Ferguson.  She's the Director of the Liberty & Ethics Center and the Hammond Institute for Free Enterprise at Lindenwood University. She was also Andy's college Philosophy professor.Unbeknownst to us before the night we recorded, our parents and Rachel's parents knew each ...
Jan 19th, 2021
This is Part 1 of our conversation with Rachel Ferguson.  She's the Director of the Liberty & Ethics Center and the Hammond Institute for Free Enterprise at Lindenwood University. She was also Andy's college Philosophy professor.Unbeknownst to us before the night we recorded, our parents and Rachel's parents knew each ...
Oct 29th, 2020
Andy and TJ are joined by Brian Farmer, brother of Andy's high school flame. He's an atheist who's never really had an extended conversation about his atheism with other people, so hopefully it was cathartic and not too traumatizing for him.Extras...- Brian talked about "The Thief in the Night", a film series from the ...
Oct 3rd, 2020
Andy and TJ are joined by Dr. Alan Meyers. Dr. Meyers is Professor Emeritus of religion at Lindenwood University as well as Parish Associate at Oak Hill Presbyterian Church in St. Louis. Andy and TJ both took classes with Dr. Meyers while at Lindenwood. We talk about "biblical criticism" (or the "historical-critical me...
Aug 27th, 2020
Andy and TJ are joined by Sam Tunnell, who was in Andy's grade at Christian High School (class of '06). Andy and Sam were also in the same "Christian Ministry" undergraduate program at Lindenwood University. Sam is a pastor in St. Louis. He also co-hosts the podcast "Please Be Reasonable".They discuss Alvin Plantinga's...
Aug 1st, 2020
Andy and TJ are guest-less (thanks Covid!), which worked out well because they needed to clarify some things anyway. Andy attempts to figure out what the heck TJ actually is, and TJ raises some critiques of Andy's thinking.
Jul 19th, 2020
Andy and TJ are joined by Andrew Stout, who was in TJ's grade at Living Word Christian School. After a brief homeschooling rebellion, Andrew returned to CHS. He got his bachelor's in Philosophy from Lindenwood (sharing many of the same professor's Andy had in the Christian Ministries program), then got his Masters from...
Jul 3rd, 2020
Andy and TJ are joined by Justin Grimm, a pastor from Ohio. In high school Justin and TJ had overlapping friend/church groups and were vaguely acquainted. After hearing the first couple episodes of the podcast, Justin reached out with some pushback, specifically on some of Andy's arguments in his Manifesto. Naturally t...
Jun 14th, 2020
Andy and TJ are joined by their first guest, Rob Graham. Rob grew up next door to their dad and has been connected to their family for many years. TJ wants to be just like Rob when he grows up.In the first half of the episode, Rob shares the story of his faith journey while Andy attempts to pin down exactly what the he...
May 29th, 2020
Andy walks TJ through his "Some Thoughts on Faith" manifesto (found here) and gets pretty worked up in the process.TJ shares a story from his psilocybin experience and pushes back on some of Andy's arguments.There's a fart, which may or may not have been added in post-production.Additional Resources:Andy talked about J...
May 22nd, 2020
Andy interviews TJ about his experience growing up in the Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian sub-culture. They discuss their experiences growing up in a Christian home, going to a Christian school, their beliefs about God and hell, and other stuff.TJ dropped a shameful plug for his Object Lesson channel on YouTube, w...
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