On this episode we have Prof. Niall Vine from the University of Fort Hare share his insights about the ins and outs of the aquaculture industry in South Africa. You can learn more about his work here:Fort Hare Aquaculture Research Unit (FHARU)https://web.facebook.com/niall.aquacultureFHARU Research: https://yout... more
On this episode we are talking about expanding our marine protected areas in South Africa from 5.4 to 10%. Lauren van Nijkerk and Kendyl Wright join us from Ocean iMPAct and WildTrust / WildOceans to explain MPAs and their #whereisour10 / #uphiu10 social media campaign. You can learn more here: https://oceanimpact.co... more
On this episode we give appreciation to one of the organisms that don't get much love in pop culture but are super important to making life as we know it possible. Phytoplankton are single-celled organisms that are estimated to be responsible for the oxygen in every second breath you take, so try to be grateful!
When heatwaves happen on land the effects are a lot more visible and reported on. However, heat waves are a bit more subtle in the ocean but can also be quite a threat.
COP27 i.e. the Conference of the Parties held in Egypt this year concluded over the weekend. In this episode we chat about our surface level thoughts on the agendas set for COP27 in 2022. If you have any thoughts or opinions about the conference, let us know in the comments.
On this episode we go META on the podcast and discuss science communication and some definitions and meanings of the jargon you may come across in this field.Check out Frontiers for Young Minds: https://kids.frontiersin.org/ On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine biology in Southern Africa.Let us know wh... more
On this episode Nelson tells us about WIOMSA, what they do and his experiences at their latest conference.To find out more: https://twitter.com/wiomsahttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq0naxFU4SHXfVSos7UeNtw/videoshttps://www.wiomsa.org/
On this episode we talk about what is biodiversity, some terms you may come across and why it is important to us. Check out this paper: https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2022.688329
On this episode we talk about what you might need to know about DNA in general but also particularly for marine science students and how the science is applied to every live and careers in marine science. Also many references to the corn kid meme because we can't imagine a more beautiful things than DNA! Corn kid... more
On this episode Nelson explains to me a little about the Barcode of Life Database project AKA BOLD and what it is for in the context of marine science and in South Africa
On this episode we talk about sustainable fishing both globally and in South Africa, in particular the WWF-SASSI initiative. Check this video about Traceability out from SASSI's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKi5c3qdZY8
You won't believe how effective these 6 easy steps can be to figuring out the world around you. In all seriousness, in this episode we over-explain the scientific method in a hopefully entertaining way. Let us know if we helped you understand how this method is applied!
Yes there are even more. Here's part 2 of ranking an reviewing the many benefits of being a marine biologist memes. On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine biology in Southern Africa.
Apparently there are many benefits to being a marine biologist. Well at least according to memes, so here we are a couple of marine biologists reviewing and ranking the many benefits of being a marine biologist memes.
Climate changes has come up a lot on the news recently both locally and internationally. On this episode we chat about some of our personal insights on the topic. On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine biology in Southern Africa. Let us know what you would like us to talk about here: Twitter: https://tw... more
On this episode we chat about what Yanas does on a day-to-day basis as a scientist and marine science professional. Of course there's scicomm talk and of course we talk about Dungeon and Dragons. On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine biology in Southern Africa. Let us know what you would like us to tal... more
On this episode we chat about what Nelson does on a day-to-day basis as a scientist and marine science professional.On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine science in Southern Africa.Let us know what you would like us to talk about here:Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgulhasCurrentYouTube: https://www.youtub... more
On this episode we chat about our namesake The Agulhas Current, what it is, what it does, and why it's so important.On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine biology in Southern Africa.Let us know what you would like us to talk about here:Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgulhasCurrentYouTube: https://www.youtub... more
On this episode we discuss how you can get involved in marine science and naturalism without having to study it at college/university. On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine biology in Southern Africa.Let us know what you would like us to talk about here:Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgulhasCurrentYouTube:... more
On this episode we run through some of the potential career opportunities in marine science, especially in Southern Africa.On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine biology in Southern Africa. Let us know what you would like us to talk about here:Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgulhasCurrentYouTube: https://ww... more
On Agulhas Current Affairs we talk about marine science and aquatic biology in Southern Africa. This is our very first recording trying to figure out what to call the show, although we didn't really settle on one till a few episodes later. Hope you find it both educational and entertaining! Let us know what you would... more