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Alcohol Mastery Podcast

Kevin O'Hara: Quit Drinking Alcohol Training Expert

Alcohol Mastery Podcast

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Alcohol Mastery Podcast

Kevin O'Hara: Quit Drinking Alcohol Training Expert

Alcohol Mastery Podcast

Alcohol Mastery Podcast

Kevin O'Hara: Quit Drinking Alcohol Training Expert

Alcohol Mastery Podcast

A daily Education podcast
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Aug 17th, 2020
How to get to the point where you don’t care about alcohol any more…? There are many times in your new epic journey where you will not see alcohol as a problem any more… But when does that become a permanent state of mind?The post Getting To The Point Where Alcohol Is Not Your Problem Anymore appeared first on Alcohol...


May 12th, 2020
As long as their is an alcohol industry funding research, 1 or 2 drinks a day is always going to be considered ‘maybe’ healthy. People need to start using their own reason instead of hoping to get leadership from those in power.The post One Or Two Drinks May Be Healthy? There’s Not Enough Evidence Yet appeared first o...


May 4th, 2020
Life with alcohol is just chaotic in nature and outcome. The cost of alcohol comes up all the time, but it’s not a great motivating factor in creating the necessary motivations to stop, at least up until a point. Most people don’t put a price tag on their habits. A user will find a way […]The post The Real Financial F...


May 2nd, 2020
Your liver is an essential organ and one that is barraged when you consume any toxin. It has a prime place in protecting your body from yourelf when you drink alcohol. And, although it’s wonder organ in that it can regenerate, there’s a limit to what it can take.The post Ten Surprising Signs Your Liver Could Do With a...


Apr 28th, 2020
How can you have fun without the one thing we are told we need if we are to have fun? We need alcohol to feel good about ourselves, right? What is a celebration without our glass of bubbly? What is a party without our elixir of joy? Without alcohol, according to elements of our society, […]The post Will You Have Fun A...


Apr 23rd, 2020
In response to the question I asked earlier this week, should acohol be legal, I got a lot of feedback here, on YouTube, and in Habits Unplugged. I really believe that it would be wrong for anyone to say you cannot drink alcohol if you want to. I think it’s wrong for your and my […]The post No! Alcohol Should Not Be I...


Apr 20th, 2020
Should Alcohol Be Illegal is a question I get asked a whole lot. It’s a perfectly good question to ask. When I stopped drinking, I certainly wanted all the alcohol to just go away and not come back. It’s a pain in the arse to see it everywhere when you are not longer using it. […]The post Should Alcohol Be Illegal? ap...


Apr 14th, 2020
Have you ever tried moderating alcohol? I turned it into a hobby all of it’s own. I was a regular thing for me. I suppose it’s a natural part of the process of quitting. If we were living in a society where our norms weren’t so primitive in terms of poisoning ourselves for a buzz, […]The post Alcohol Moderation Manipu...


Apr 11th, 2020
Stress is a killer, no doubt about it. But we live in a society that values high levels of being able to cope with stress. If your threshold for stress is high, it’s a dead cert that you can get more stuff done. In fact high stress is a recipe for accelerating your Death Cert. […]The post Lowering Your Stress Threshol...


Apr 9th, 2020
There’s a massive metaphorical red button in your life right now… It’s got reset written across the top of it in big bold white letters. Why aren’t you pressing it?The post Pressing The Reset Button appeared first on Alcohol Mastery.


Mar 24th, 2020
Here’s a video for this alternate universe we are living in right now. Quitting drinking alcohol was by far the best decision I have ever made in my life. Staying away from the poison is something that doesn’t come hard to me now, but being away from alcohol is something I am very thankful for. […]The post 8 Tips to S...


Mar 16th, 2020
Today’s video is from my perspective on what is happening in our world right now. It’s a crazy time for everyone. There are many people who are under severe threat over this, but most of us aren’t. Our biggest problem comes when it comes to giving it to other people who are more vulnerable than […]The post Pandemic Pa...


Mar 10th, 2020
If I Can Stop Drinking Alcohol On My Own – Why Am I Still Drinking? This is a question I used to ask myself over and over. The answers I got, the ones I gave myself, were always the ones I wanted to hear, the ones that made me feel better about my alcohol use […]The post If I Can Stop Drinking Alcohol On My Own – Why ...


Mar 4th, 2020
I can’t remember what my best day would have been when I was drinking alcohol. I’m not sure I want to remember. I don’t even remember what I would have said when I first stopped using alcohol. Probably something really general like feel healthy or at peace. When I thought about this the other day, […]The post What’s M...


Feb 24th, 2020
What is it that keeps someone talking about alcohol, day after day, for years after they have stopped drinking the poison themselves? Why not just move on and start doing something else? Isn’t that just what is so bad about AA, the constant reminders of the life you are trying your hardest to leave behind….? […]The po...


Feb 18th, 2020
Here are 3 of the biggest reasons why people get stuck with their addictions. This reasoning is based on my one on one coaching clients and the members of our Habits Unplugged program. Here’s 3 Reasons People Are Stuck With Their Addictions You can try out Habits Unplugged (our quit alcohol and life changing program) [...


Feb 11th, 2020
Today’s video is about some of the essential mind hacks that will help you on the road to getting rid of this appaling poison from your life. Wishing you all the best of good fortune… Kevin 🙂 [powerpress] 5 Of The Best Quit Drinking Hacks You’ll Find Today If you are looking for help quitting […]The post 5 Of The Bes...


Jan 28th, 2020
What are the most important factors in quitting alcohol? Planning? Right time? Right place? Right frame of mind? Is it getting rid of fear or anxiety? What about making your environment just right so you aren’t enticed by any unforeseen temptations? In today’s video I want to share with you my top 5 picks. You […]The ...


Jan 21st, 2020
There are many things in life that you don’t need to know. They are of no use to you and can actually prevent you from learning the things you need to know to get to the best version of yourself. Following me so far? Good. For most of us, the amount of things we don’t […]The post Quitting Drinking Alcohol: 4 Things Yo...


Jan 15th, 2020
It’s true: with every drink of alcohol you take, you are reducing the quality time you get to spend on this planet. You might be saying, we are all running out of life…and that’s an undeniable fact. But I’m not just talking about life, I’m not just banging on about the years that you have, […]The post Alcohol Drinkers...


Jan 7th, 2020
It felt very strange to be counting days again after so long. And I couldn’t believe how many days had passed since my last day of alcohol use… I feel like my drinking was in another lifetime. And it was… I was another person living a completely different life. It’s so unreal, looking back, how […]The post 2,559 Days ...


Dec 30th, 2019
If you want to stop drinking alcohol and change your life, you might want to give our Habits Unplugged quit drinking program a go. You can get a seven day trial for only $1. We don’t just help you to quit drinking alcohol, we also help you to move towards the best version of yourself, […]The post Welcome to Habits Unp...


Dec 30th, 2019
I hope you all had a great Christmas. I am just heading into my eighth year on my journey, “No Alcohol Required”. At this time of year, I always reflect on that pivotal point in my life that set me on the track I am on today, how my life could have been completely different […]The post How I Stopped Drinking Alcohol i...


Dec 16th, 2019
Following my trip to New York to appear on the podcast of Ed Mullins, President of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, I wanted to offer a video from my persective.I have experienced the darkness that was leading me towards that path, before I stopped drinking, and I experienced someone very close to me taking their...


Dec 3rd, 2019
Should you stop drinking alcohol right now and risk a blue Christmas? Or is it the exact time you should be thinking about sleighing your bad habits once and for all.In this video I talk about the benefits of pushing yourself right now, the reasons why so many people fail when they wait until the new year to change, ...


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