The concept of value has always struck me as odd. Let's pull apart what it actually means, how human it is, and what actually matters when thinking about value.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Value DefinitionSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode Gold Producers:'r' and Steven Bridle.Epis... more
When attempting to gather consensus, assuming that silence means consent might not be the best way to get the right outcome. We look at how to be open, respectful and what consensus really requires.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Silence is GoldenSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode Gold Producers:... more
Showing activity is considered by many to be THE critical pre-requisite to managing their teams productivity. What if they're wrong?With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Analytical Episode 23: MetricsSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode Gold Producer:'r'.Episode Silver Producers:... more
The Coronavirus, COVID19, SARS-CoV-2, is the biggest global crisis many generations have faced. Through our increasingly enforced social distancing and isolation, I've witnessed something unexpected that's not what you think.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2... more
Whilst Pivot is a more recent terminology often used in the context of a startup, it applies equally to many aspects of our lives, our endeavours or our own groups within companies of all sizes. We look at when, how, why and importantly if you should pivot and what the cost might be if you do.With John Chidgey.Links of... more
When you're asked to direct a group of people sometimes you aren't their direct manager. In those cases you're expected to influence without authority. We look at how it's different, why it's hard and how you can go about it.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:5 Ways To Influence Without AuthoritySupport ... more
Steve Jobs once said, the best ideas have to win. We unpack what that actually means in practice and ultimately look at how you can tell what the best idea actually can look like.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Analytical Episode 2: ConfpetenceSteve Jobs at D8 Conference 2010 Quote - 62:35Support Ana... more
When you're delivering a project understanding who the actual owner is or owners are is crucial. We look at how to figure that out, and how to tell projects that can't figure that out.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Project Owner DefinitionSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Clubhouse:... more
We dive into why familiarity seems to breed contempt, why first impressions are the most misleading and demonstrate my Latin is terrible.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:ApuleiusFamiliarity Breeds ContemptSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Clubhouse:Looking for an easy ... more
In every broad discipline it's become impossible for one person to be competent in all aspects. Organisationally speaking, we look at how we could ensure a collective competency is maintained.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:The Four Oxen and the LionControl System Space: Nobody is Competent, We Are All... more
There's always something that someone expects you to care about, but the dimensions of care we put our energy into can make or break us.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:CareSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Many Tricks:If you’re looking for some Mac software that can do... more
Looking at how maintenance teams function can reveal a lot about the system they're maintaining. We dive in the consequences of poor design and long term operational costs.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:TeamworkMetricsSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Many Tricks:If ... more
With operational technology relying more and more on desktop computer platforms for control and monitoring, just how much can be put in the cloud safely?With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Looking Down from the CloudsSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Many Tricks:If you’re ... more
Understanding yourself and self reflection can be good thing, but it can go too far. How far is far enough and how do you know when to stop?With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Self-AwarenessWhat is Self-Awareness and Why Does it Matter?Support Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Many Tricks:... more
Lists can be a great way of tracking things to do and random thoughts and ideas. But if they're abused they can drag you down into list-hell.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:The Duchess of PaduaSupport Analytical on Patreon
Purpose and Passion are inter-related but in ways that might not be obvious at first glance. We unpack why purpose is critical and how it changes everything.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Pragmatic Episode 10 Passion Over Academic ProofSupport Analytical on Patreon
Some people are obsessed with the tools they use to get the job done. How much better is the best tool vs the right tool and how much time should be spend seeking out the perfect tool for the job?With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Gear Acquisition SyndromeSupport Analytical on Patreon
There are creators, consumers and regurgitators of knowledge and information. Which and you? And why I think you should spend at some of your time creating something.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Creativity DefinitionSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Makers4Good:Make... more
Risk assessments are a critical part of engineering, but overly sensitive ones can paralyse an organisation. We look at how to make risk assessments useful and how to avoid some of the pitfalls.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Risk definitionSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Makers4Good:... more
What do Vinyl and CDs and Candles and LED Bulbs share in common? We explore the differences between better, and simple nostalgia.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Is the sound on vinyl records better than on CDs or DVDs?Support Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Makers4Good:Maker... more
Giving and accepting feedback to and from your manager or direct reports or even your peers is sometimes a missed opportunity. We explore how to make feedback useful again.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Ad nauseamSupport Analytical on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Makers4Good:Makers4Go... more
Metrics can be very useful if they are carefully chosen. Badly chosen metrics can do more harm than good, so how can you tell the difference?With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Metrics DefinitionSupport Analytical on Patreon
Teamwork is often thrown around as a concept, but do we each really understand whether we're team players or not? What will you choose?With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Teamwork DefinitionSupport Analytical on Patreon
Have you ever heard the expression, to have the rug pulled out from under you? Life does that to us all and sometimes you can do it to others without realising.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:Pull The Rug OutSupport Analytical on Patreon
Music can connect us to the emotions of others and ourselves yet so many of us won't give all it has to offer a chance. We explore how it help and why it's amazing.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:MusicSupport Analytical on Patreon