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To Enable or Not To Enable - That's The Question!

To Enable or Not To Enable - That's The Question!

Released Tuesday, 14th March 2023
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To Enable or Not To Enable - That's The Question!

To Enable or Not To Enable - That's The Question!

To Enable or Not To Enable - That's The Question!

To Enable or Not To Enable - That's The Question!

Tuesday, 14th March 2023
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#autism #internalableism #ableism #actuallyautistic  #toenableornottoenable   

*DISCLAIMER*  Before I continue this video I am about to share with you all today, I  want to say that I am no medical doctor. I'm your normal Jo Blogs,  sharing my lived experiences in what I go through on the daily and if  you see or hear anything out of the ordinary, do seek professional  advice for yourself or your loved one ordo get professional help for  yourself or your loved one as I don't condone self-harm.   

Now, today I want to share with you all my lived experiences with  internalized ableism that I struggle with sometimes on a daily and hell  it's not easy. It never is as well as life isn't easy but it's what we  do in our lives that counts and what we do with our pages and chapters  in our lives to create a beautiful story to share. I will share this how  I experience it directly by me to myself.  also again defined ableism  and internalized ableism along with what my aims and goals for  internalized ableism or ableism in general   


(7:18) All About Ableism/WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW (Part 2) 

(6:22) All About Internalised Ableism/ [What You Need To Know] Part 6  Series 1 

 5:15 ) Anxiety Disorders - Help Central 

 (5:56)  Self Identity & Self Esteem in Autistic Children, Teens,  & Adults/How YOU CAN Help

  (4:30)  Friendships & Socialisation Help Central 

 Socialization/How do I prepare myself for social situations? {2018] 

( 4:03 ) Shapeshifting in female Aspies how & why they do this? 

 ( 4:53 ) Aspergers Syndrome & Meltdowns/Sensory Overload/Tantrums  & more. 

 (4:54) What an Autistic Shutdown feels like for me! 

 ( 2:40) Autistic Females And  Masking [2018] 

 (10:18)  An Autistic Perspective of Autism & Executive Function  along with EF Hacks [2019] 

(15:43) Stimming Help Central Playlist    
(13:54)  To Tell or NOT To Tell  

Thanks for watching and your support!  Special credits to:
Images: The stars burst in my intro belongs to the owner Lala and then  link her channel  
IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens!
Channel Name: JanTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCncv...
Image from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4beP...
Where to find her: Twitter: https://twitter.com/jantubehacks
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jantubeyt
Website: https://jantube.wixsite.com/jantubeblogs

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