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Hieronymous J Doom and Richard deValmont


A TV and Film podcast

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Hieronymous J Doom and Richard deValmont



Hieronymous J Doom and Richard deValmont


A TV and Film podcast
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Mar 27th, 2023
In this episode we're bringing you some notorious nuptuals and some sanguinary spouses, because the theme for our Double Feature is brides, but we've found two very different ones to talk to you about. And we've had to squeeze them in, because my goodness we have a lot to talk about this episode - we've got loads of ne...


Feb 20th, 2023
Did you think we'd left you for ever? Heaven forfend - we love talking to you dearest listeners about horror too much to ever do that. Instead we've been preparing for this bumper crop, covering what we've been up to over the last 9 months, what we've enjoyed, some small bits of new and then the meat of the episode - w...


May 24th, 2022
We're sorry! We promise never to leave you for this long again! But we're back in the Shed with another look at all that's chilling, and we've got a great episode on an absolutely iconic horror film this episode, and we are even quite complimentary about it's 21st Century remake, which is rare for us. There's also a ho...


Apr 4th, 2022
We normally pride ourselves in a good punny title, but for this one we're going full Ronseal - exactly what it says on the tin. This packed episode features a three-way Royal Rumble of three of the biggest names in sci-fi horror but also finds room for the usual horror news and the biggest Dead Horse we've ever had the...


Feb 22nd, 2022
What's this - the Shed Boys trying something new? In an unprecedented move we throw format out of the window and try a freewheeling discussion about a random horror genre in our new Breaking Wheel section, but it's shorter than anticipated because we end up talking for over half an hour about a computer game from 2002,...


Feb 7th, 2022
Well it's a whole New Year but we're back on our usual bullshit, talking about YET ANOTHER slasher franchise because that's all we do now. But this is the last slasher-focused episode for a while because even we're a bit burned out on this classic subgenre now. It's a doozy though, as we go for a Triple Feature that is...


Jan 15th, 2022
We're on our usual short New Year's sabbatical from the podcast here in the Shed, but we've popped in just to put together this little retrospective. It's just a little and deeply self-indulgent episode bringing together all of the musical interludes that we've created over the past four years of episodes. Enjoy!


Dec 19th, 2021
It seems amazing that this is our fourth Christmas episode, given our attention spans, but here we are, and we definitely have a mixed bag of festive films for you in this one. In terms of Christmas movies we're pleased to present to you the good, the bad, and the very, very ugly. We'll let you decide which is which....


Nov 29th, 2021
You want ghosts? We got ghosts. One score and six ghosts, to be precise, because we're looking at a pair of films which both feature a baker's dozen of the ectoplasmic buggers. We compare a 1960 William Castle film to the 2001 remake by Dark Castle Entertainments, and also come right up to the present day with a horror...


Nov 15th, 2021
This episode comes to you courtesy of that genre where everyone is beautiful, parties last forever and everywhere you look are mysterious dark figures carrying bodies about - the 90s Teen Slasher. We look at two of the biggest films in the genre that aren't Scream, and also have a good old listed to a podcast based on ...


Oct 30th, 2021
This episode was released on Saturday the 30th October, two days early so it would be out for Hallowe'en, but the spookiest thing about this undead-filled episode is that we don't actually mention Hallowe'en at all - It's become quite a tradition for us to totally forget that Hallowe'en is a yearly thing for most peopl...


Oct 12th, 2021
Hello one and all, apologies that this episode is a little late but unfortunately despite our best efforts COVID has infiltrated the damp planks of the Shed and so editing was slightly hampered, especially given the amount of deValmont's throat clearing and coughing that had to be cut out. But you're not here to talk a...


Sep 27th, 2021
In a pleasant change from the usual ripe and stinking corpses we have lying around the Shed, in this episode we cover three works that are all from this very year! When we watched this trilogy of retro horror films we decided we had to cover it on the Shed, so in this episode we replace our usual Easily Available Horro...


Sep 6th, 2021
In one of our very rare acts of organisation this episode features an Easily(ish) Available Horror which fits in with the theme of our Double Feature, which is the enduring concept of the Drawing Room Play - a piece set in a single place with a small ensemble of characters, with a concentration on dialogue and developi...


Aug 9th, 2021
One horror genre that is often maligned is found footage - 'wobbly-cam' makes people throw up, it's low budget, the CGI is often ropey, but we've decided to wade through the swamp and bring you two excellent examples that the FF genre still has its occasional gems, even in the last decade. We also decided to drag a sur...


Jul 26th, 2021
We've got a bit of a special episode for you this time, as HJ Doom has been joined by literary horror enthusiast Kit Rathenar for a longform discussion about the seminal horror writer Thomas Ligotti, taking a closer look at a selection of his short stories in the context of his oeuvre as a whole. It was recorded straig...


Jul 12th, 2021
In this frenetic episode we're having to put our foot to the floor as we get through a host of shorts, in this case brought together into two classic portmanteau films of the 70s and 80s. We talk about the individual segments as well as the concept of the anthology film as a whole, and we spend so much time doing so th...


Jun 28th, 2021
We've finally got to the final leg of our epic deep dive down Elm Street, and rest assured the home stretch is an absolute joy compared to some of what has gone before (Part 6. We mean Part 6). Here we look at the two films which come after the main sequence of the franchise, and also cast our eye over a gory labour of...


Jun 14th, 2021
It's finally here - the part of the Nightmare on Elm Street deep dive that we've all been dreading, I'm sure. We've had it far too easy for far too long, but now we have to face the final curtain. Or the Final Nightmare, as the case may be. And face it we will, because we're determined to see this to the bitter end, an...


May 31st, 2021
It's Episode 2 of our deep dive into the Nightmare on Elm St franchise, which means we're looking at Parts 3 and 4. Confused yet? You will be, because we're also talking about a horror comic series which is both great and mysterious in equal measure. As well as that we're also taking some time to discuss the current st...


May 17th, 2021
It's been quite some time since we did our last franchise deep dive (Eight months if you're going by the calendar, but it might as well have been a different geological era relatively speaking) and we had so much fun with that one we had to do another. This time we've picked an even better known franchise which is very...


Apr 26th, 2021
We're way past February the 14th but we've waited until now to bring the Sexy to the Shed, because this episode is officially NICE. Because we're in the mood this episode we've got two horrors of a distinctly alluring bent, but to make sure that you don't get too hot under the collar we've got an Easily Available Horro...


Apr 5th, 2021
In what we think is a first for the podcast (But we might be wrong as neither of us has the best memory) we're looking at a film alongside its own remake in this episode, as we compare a work starring acting powerhouse Vincent Price to a work starring acting power... well, starring Paris Hilton. We also spend a bit of ...


Mar 22nd, 2021
We're always trying to mix things up a bit here in the Shed to avoid the slow grinding onset of Ennui, so in this episode we've espoused the usual 'watch three films and talk about them' that we've done the last few episodes and tried to focus our horror eye elsewhere. We've got a great new horror graphic novel in our ...


Mar 1st, 2021
What's a shed without a good Hammer? Well we don't have to find out, because this episode contains two great Hammers as we take another delve into the world of Hammer Film Productions, the legendary studio responsible for so many great horror films during its impressive thirty year reign. We also cast an eye over a shi...


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