This episode celebrates and summarises the first Season, as Maria and Alana discuss their favourite topics and reveal their own personal processes and pointers for not just surviving, but thriving in midlife. Season 2 will be back in the autumn.
The struggle is real! Often filed under 'Women's Issues' the struggle to juggle the needs of family and work can be overwhelming. If we're not careful. the dream of 'having it all' can quickly turn into the nightmare of just 'doing it all'.In this episode we explore why the juggle to manage can often turn into a con... more
Success. What does it mean to you? For many of us, if we don't actually define what it means for us, we can end up striving for someone else's idea of success, and let's face it, who likes sloppy seconds? Success is how you live every day, not some distant goal to strive for.In this episode, we explore why it's vi... more
We have 70,000 thoughts a day... and if you're anything like us, the majority of those are batshit crazy. We think we're in control of everything in our life except our thoughts... but the truth is, the only thing in our lives we have control over is our thoughts. Often though, we just sit in the passenger seat instea... more
We tried not to unleash our inner Cyndi Lauper on you and blast out Girls Just Want to Have fun at full volume on this podcast but this week, we are all about the fun…Remember a carefree, fun and more courageous you?All too often we get caught up with the kids, house, job, chores, parents, dog and life - and we for... more
By the time we get to the prime of life at mid-age, we've more than likely been battling body image for decades. It's hard to feel comfortable in our own skin, when some faraway fashionista is dictating what size our skin should be. We forget that our bodies are an ever evolving, changing creation. In this episode we... more
We were torn between not adding to the onslaught of Covid-conversations that are pelting us from the airwaves and social media, but not ignoring the socially-distanced elephant in the room. We opted for a well washed hand-wringing in the middle. In this episode we discuss the ways in which we can stay sane as wel... more
While this podcast was recorded just prior to the current (very uncomfortable, for most) Covid challenges, it couldn't be more relevant. Most of us are all now feeling discomfort on many levels, and there just may not be enough wine left in the house to deal with them. Thankfully, we have a better (and healthier) opti... more
As if any of us need reminding right now that for all the best laid plans in the world, life can throw you a curve ball. In this podcast, we explore how to handle situations that didn't go according to plan, and explain useful techniques to help you catch those curveballs, rather than stand frozen in fear as it hurtl... more
We think every day should be a day to celebrate women, but this Sunday, the whole world joins in to recognise what still needs to be done to achieve gender equality, but also to recognise women's wonderfulness. This episode is a personal perusal of some of the women who have inspired us, role-modelled for us and remi... more
It feels great and it keeps you healthy. Actually gratitude work is one of the most effective ways to increase happiness and study after study has found solid links between higher levels of gratitude and wellbeing, including protection from stress and depression, more fulfilling relationships, better sleep and greater ... more
Today's episode is about inoculating ourselves from the terrible affliction that has beset many of us.... and no, you won't need a vaccine or a face mask. The infection we're discussing is the painful, damaging disease of People Pleasing. As the grown up child of the Good Girl Syndrome, the belief that we have to plea... more
We talk incessantly about the lack of it, yearn for it, sabotage it, would pay a fortune for it, underestimate it, and even (weirdly) dream of it; a good night's sleep. Sleep has become a currency we just can't seem to get rich in as we juggle busy lives, screens and responsibilities. How did something that is (was?... more
This introductory podcast explores the concept of Middlescence, and how we can shake off that midlife malaise that often creeps up on us. It's not really a crisis, but a deep sigh of "Really? All this effort and this is it?" We follow some well-followed signposts assuming we'll arrive at Destination Happy, only to disc... more
Between You & Me: the podcast for fabulous (but maybe slightly frazzled!) women who want to take charge of their lives. Because let's face it - we'd all love to press pause and get our lives together!Co-hosted by journalist and NLP coach Maria McHale, and writer and The MidLife Coach Alana Kirk.